Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Programs for Residents
Stanford is working with residents, faculty and staff to incorporate quality improvement (QI) and patient safety both in practice and in education. Below is a list of opportunities for residents to learn more and/or get involved in quality efforts
Stanford 2020: Quality Improvement (QI) Team Challenge
The 2010 Stanford 2020 Team QI Challenge’s mission is to instruct and encourage interns, housestaff and faculty on systematic approaches to identify areas of quality improvement at Stanford Medical Center and design ways to improve efficiency, clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction. We hope that by the year 2020, Stanford Department of Medicine will be on the path to achieve a top 10 ranking in patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes. The 2009 Team QI Challenge will be the inaugural year for implementation and we encourage all interns and residents in the Department of Medicine to be involved.
Quality Improvement Team Challenge
Stanford 2020 Team QI Challenge on Facebook
The Key Objectives of the 8-Month Program are:
- Communicating the need for quality improvement to residents through several didactic sessions
- Developing a team of interns and residents that will meet throughout the year
- Incorporate faculty to help guide the project and assure continuity and aid in trouble shooting
- Become familiar with the Stanford QI infrastructure, which includes faculty and managers involved in quality improvement at Stanford
- Developing leadership skills within the team
- Provide quality improvement mentoring throughout the year, especially for interns
- Support professional development for housestaff interested in incorporating QI into their practice / careers
- Teams that develop and design result oriented projects for possible publication
Elective in QI, Patient Safety, & Organizational Change
This elective is a 4-week training and mentorship experience at Stanford University Hospitals and Clinics. The overarching goal of the elective is to provide mentored practice and growth in residents’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in quality improvement, patient safety, and organizational change.
The resident will engage in directed readings in quality, patient safety, and organizational change, attend sessions with experienced “QI Champions”, learn about quality improvement projects and processes at Stanford University, participate in ongoing quality and patient safety activities within the Department of Medicine and Stanford Hospital & Clinics, and design and begin a quality improvement /patient safety/organizational change project. Residents should receive regular verbal feedback. The quality improvement elective is also designed to allow the resident to develop a mentoring relationship with a “QI Champion” who will serve as a role model, mentor and educator.
Elective in Quality Improvement
Links to additional information:
Quality Improvement Overview
Quality Improvement Working Groups
Opportunities for Faculty to Mentor QI Residents
Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Programs for Residents
List of QI Resident Projects
Additional Resources for Residents:MedRes
Medical Staff Update: Residents
care for the hospital quality by
rotating into new clinical elective
If you have any questions or would like to participate in quality efforts in Medicine, please contact Kambria Hooper, M.Ed.