Department of Medicine

Residency in the Department of Medicine

The Stanford University Internal Medicine Residency program is designed to prepare you for any career in Internal Medicine. The program offers broad clinical experience across three hospitals, supportive teaching faculty who are leaders in their fields, a strong esprit de corps, housestaff research opportunities, and top-ranked fellowship and career placement. With these resources, the program enables housestaff to develop excellent clinical skills while attaining long-term career goals.

Program Leadership

Dr. Witteles



Ronald Witteles, MD
Program Director

Neera Ahuja, MD
Associate Program Director

Cybele Renault, MD
Associate Program Director- VA




Stephanie Harman, MD
Associate Program Director

Abraham Verghese, MD
Senior Associate Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine

Jeffrey S. Glenn, MD, PhD.
Co-Director, Clinical Investigator Pathway



Linda Boxer, MD, PhD.
Senior Vice Chair, Department of Medicine, Co-Director, Clinical Investigator Pathway

Robert Harrington, MD
Department of Medicine Chair


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