Department of Medicine

Division Chiefs and Administrators

Division Head of Division Administrator
Blood and Marrow Transplantation Robert Negrin, MD Laura Adams
Cardiovascular Medicine Tom Quertermous, MD
Alan Yeung, MD
Barbara Kaplan
Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism Rick Kraemer, MD Benita Kaeding
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Uri Ladabaum, MD, Interim Chief Susan Lydick
General Medical Disciplines Mark Cullen, MD Morisa Guy
Hematology Linda Boxer, MD, PhD Sarah Lai
Immunology and Rheumatology C. Garrison Fathman, MD Lan Duncan-Interim
Infectious Diseases Upinder Singh, MD

Dianna Jouan

Nephrology Glenn Chertow, MD, MPH Susan Johnson
Oncology Ronald Levy, MD Phyllis Bussey
Primary Care and Outcomes Research Douglas Owens, MD Nancy Lonhart
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Mark Nicolls, MD
Benita Kaeding
Stanford Prevention and Research Center John Ioannidis, MD, DSc Christine Scholberg
Stanford Biomedical Informatics Research Mark Musen, MD, PhD Christine Scholberg

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