Nephrology In the Department of Medicine

Glomerular Disease Center (GDC)


The Glomerular Disease Center (GDC) will provide comprehensive and outstanding care to patients with glomerular disease, embracing evidence based care, patient education and participation as well as opportunities to explore experimental therapies in making a difference in outcomes.


The GDC has been formed to provide the highest level of care to patients with glomerular disease and to train physicians in the optimal diagnosis and therapy for these problems. The focus is on primary glomerular disease and glomerular injury in the context of chronic infection or cancer. The team utilizes its skills in pathology, nephrology and immunology to individualize diagnosis and patient care.

The patient (and their family) is the center of the process, and it is essential to educate well such that dietary, exercise and medical approaches to therapy can be understood and followed effectively. Stanford has a long tradition of excellence and contribution in the field of glomerular disease. From the pioneering work of Thomas Addis through the various faculty contributions in basic science and clinical work, Stanford has been an active force in glomerular disease for many decades.

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About us
Richard Lafayette, MD

Richard Lafayette, MD
› Associate Professor
› Clinical Chief, Nephrology

Meet our outstanding staff.


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