Department Initiatives
National Leaders in Research
New research initiatives in Genomic Medicine, Patient and Population Health Sciences, and Immunology are bringing greater emphasis to key research themes in the Department of Medicine. Taken together, the new and existing research programs justify our Department’s position as national leaders among research-intensive departments of medicine. We look forward to a future that builds on our past success and that contributes new advances that both to improve the health of our individual patients and the communities in which they live. For more information on research initiatives see:
Developing Areas of Research at Stanford’s Department of Medicine
Developing Leaders for Change in American Medicine
American Medicine is in a crisis of leadership. It waits for a new generation of physicians whose commitment to the profession’s enduring values will ensure that the public achieves the highest attainable levels of health and health care. The Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine is committed to preparing this new cadre of physician leaders to serve as agents of change and to negotiate a fresh social contract between the profession and the public by initiating a new era in medical education that reunites the disciplines of medicine and public health into the training experience of internal medicine residents.
The Department of Medicine envisions a program of study that takes curricular elements from traditional leadership and adapts them to the medical profession. For examples of areas where leadership is actively cultivated in Stanford internists, see:
Curriculum in Leadership at Stanford’s Department of Medicine