Department of Medicine

100 Years of Historical Highlights

EDUCATIONeducation 1909: First year of medical instruction began with students to receive MD. degree in 1913.
1914: Department of Medicine becomes the School of Medicine and includes divisions of medicine, neurology, psychiatry, jurisprudence, dermatology.
1925:  Medicine Clerkship introduced for the third-year medical students to provide practical ward experience.
1961: Internal Medicine residency program begins with Saul Rosenberg as the program director.
1972: First U.S. studies of community-wide health educationfor preventing heart disease.
1970: Mark Perlroth becomes residency program director until Kelley Skeff takes over in 1989
Kelley Skeff and Georgette Stratos firt to introduce 'train the trainer' model in faculty development.
1992: First family medicine clerkship launched.
2009: Stanford holds first symposium on Bedside Medicine.



Ray Lyman Wilbur appointed Executive Head of Medical Department at Stanford.
1916: Albion Hewlett succeeds Wilbur and heads Department of Medicine and its subdivisions.
1926: Arthur Bloomfield named Chair of DOM.
1954: David Rytand succeeds Bloomfield.  In 1958, Rytand becomes the first Arthur L. Bloomfield Professor of Medicine.
1960: Halsted Holman moves from Rockefeller University to Chair DOM.
Saul Rosenberg establishes one of the first U.S. academic oncology programs in the DOM.
Alan Garber joins Blue Shield Association of Medical Advisory Board and eventually becomes scientific advisior.
Alan Garber is chairman of Medicare Advisory Committee Subsequent Chairs: 
1973-2006 :Daniel Federman, Dr. Kenneth Melmon, Edward Harris, Victor Dzau, Judith Swain, Ralph Horwitz.


Late 1950s-1960s:
Characterization of hyperaldosteronism by John Luetscher 1964: Judith Pool discovers technique for extracting anti-hemophilic globulin, the blood fraction needed to prevent bleeding in hemophiliacs.
Gerald Reaven and John Farquhar discover that insulin resistance is the principal physiologic characteristic of mild type-II diabetes and obesity.
1975: Peter Wood and colleagues discover a link between exercise and increased HDL cholesterol levels.
1979: Bryan Myers publishes landmark paper elucidating the properties of the human glomerulus and tubule in health and disease.
1981: Ronald Levy successfully uses monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer.
1987: Protégé Knowledge Authoring Environment:An open-source platform for the encoding of knowlede in machine-understandable form. Used to build a wide range of clinical decision-support systems and adopted by WHO for creation of ICD-11.

Roy Cohn, Robert Swenson and colleagues perform first successful kidney transplant in the western U.S
1962: Saul Rosenberg and Henry Kaplan begin trials using the linear accelerator with chemotherapy to treat Hodgkin’s disease.
1968: Donald Harrison develops medical management for first heart transplant performed in the U.S
1973-1974: Division of Internal Medicine is formed at Stanford
1977: Family Medicine is established as academic discipline at Stanford.
1981: Bruce Reitz, Thomas Raffin and colleagues perform first heart-lung transplant.
1982: Medical Informatics Sciences Program begins to manage health care data, currently know as (BMIR)
1987: Initiation of Bone Marrow Transplant Program
1993: Robert Negrin, Samuel Strober, and Edgar Engleman develop and initiate stem-cell transplants.
2004: Dean Felsher showed cancer can be reversed by turning off an oncogene that causes cancer, the basis of one of the modern principles of cancer therapy.
2005-2009: Douglas Owens research leads the development of clinical guidelines.


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