Department of Medicine

Preliminary Year Training

Preliminary Intern Year:
Beginning with the 2012-2013 academic year, the Stanford University Internal Medicine program will no longer offer a traditional "Preliminary" intern year for candidates planning to enter other specialties in their PGY-2 year. However, for candidates applying to Stanford in Anesthesiology or Neurology, we do offer the following programs:

New for the 2012-2013 academic year, the Stanford Anesthesiology program is offering 6 "Categorical" slots.  For these 6 slots (NRMP #1820040C0), candidates match into a single program (Stanford Anesthesiology) rather than separate programs as a PGY-1 (i.e. a preliminary or transitional year in Internal Medicine, Surgery, etc.) and the Anesthesiology program as a PGY-2.  For the 6 individuals who match in those slots, they will spend the majority of their PGY-1 year with the Stanford Internal Medicine training program, but there is no need to separately apply for a Preliminary year position with us.  Also note that a candidate can apply for both the "Categorical" Anesthesiology program and the PGY-2 Anesthesiology program, and ultimately rank the programs in the candidate's order of preference.

We will continue to reserve two spots for candidates who match at Stanford for neurology and who wish to do their Preliminary intern year with Stanford Internal Medicine. Note that candidates are only eligible for one of these spots if they end up matching at Stanford for their neurology residency.  If you are applying to Stanford for residency in neurology and would potentially be interested in one of these two spots, please apply to (NRMP #1820140P1). If you are selected to interview for one of these Preliminary positions, then when you ultimately create your neurology rank list, you can rank the Preliminary Internal Medicine (Stanford Neuro-Only) year as one of your Preliminary year choices linked with your ranking of Stanford neurology.



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