The Dean's Newsletter E-mail List
To receive the e-mail version of the Dean's Newsletter, you will need to subscribe to the e-mail list.
To subscribe, use the following form...
Using the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Tool:
- You must choose a subscribe or unsubscribe option from the pull-down menu
- A valid e-mail address -- i.e. [email protected], [email protected], etc -- is required, preferably your own
- The address you submit for subscription must match the receiving address exactly.
- An address submitted for unsubscription must match the address that is receiving the list e-mails exactly
- You will receive a confirmation e-mail with instructions to complete your subscribe or unsubscribe action. If you do not get this mail, the action has not been taken. Check the address you entered and try again.
- Subscription of other list addresses is not recommended or supported. Each address should be subscribed individually by the address owners; to request mass-subscription, please send an e-mail containing the list of addresses you wish to subscribe to
- If you experience any problems subscribing or unsubscribing, please e-mail