Blood Center


We're looking for a half-decade of domination. Spread the red and help Stanford Beat Cal for a fifth straight year!

Where: Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (basketball courts)
When: Tuesday, October 16; 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Each fall as Stanford and Cal battle it out on the football field, their respective blood banks have a competition of their own. Show your support for the Cardinal by donating at the “Rivals For Life” blood drive. This year's battle for blood takes place on Tuesday, October 16. Our part of the competition is hosted by BeWell and Stanford Blood Center, while Cal’s part of the competition is hosted by Red Cross and the UCSF blood bank. Once both drives are complete, we’ll compare notes and a winner will be declared! Either way, patients in the hospitals are the real winners.


Each donor will receive an exclusive "Rivals for Life" duffel bag.

Click here to make an appointment online or call 650-723-7831.



Donors must»

Unfortunately, you will be deferred»

For more information about eligibility, visit here or call our Resource Nurse at 650-725-9968.

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