Blood Center

Donor Cup 2010

The Donor Cup is a blood drive competition among tech companies in the Bay Area. Each company holds four blood drives during 2010 and is awarded points after each drive depending on performance. There will be winners in four categories and one overall winner*.
*unless you count patients, in which case there will be thousands of winners.

The results are in!

Congratulations to our winners.

1st Place - NASA-Ames
2nd Place - SLAC
3rd Place - NVIDIA
4th Place - Cisco
5th Place - Brocade

Highest Projection Accuracy - SLAC
Highest Percentage of Participation - TiVo
Highest Participation of Repeat Donors - Lockheed Martin
Highest Participation of First-Time Donors - Google
Most Units: Cisco


The plan:

1) Choose four dates in 2010 to hold blood drives at your organization—one in each quarter.

2) Points will be awarded each quarter for the drives that perform best in these categories: percent of participation, projection accuracy, percent of new donors, percent of repeat donors, and most overall units.

3) The winner(s) will be announced at an awards ceremony after all drives are complete and all points are tallied.


Questions about Donor Cup? Email us.

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