Blood Center

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Give Blood with Stanford Blood Center! LifeScan

LifeScan has been sponsoring high school and community blood drives since the summer of 2000. It started with a handful of high schools and has grown to 34 high schools, three colleges, two universities, and six community blood drives, for a total of 45 drives a year. In 2010 LifeScan encouraged 10,538 donors through their sponsorship of movie tickets and Baskin Robbins pint-for-a-pint coupons, as well as popcorn and bags for high schools and selected community drives.

Mary Lou Stuart manages LifeScan's Community Relations programs including the company's blood drives. "LifeScan's Community Relations program strives to improve the quality of life in our local communities and our partnership with Stanford Blood Center exemplifies this commitment. Our support for community drives is a wonderful compliment to our employee on-site blood drives and is just one of the ways we live Our Credo as part of the Johnson and Johnson family of companies."

There is no other company in the Valley that provides Stanford Blood Center with such amazing support. We are so thankful to have LifeScan as a partner in saving lives!


Thank you for helping us show extra appreciation to hundreds of donors.

CareerGenerations Logo
Rooster T. Feathers
4290 Bar Bistro
Crowne Plaza Cabana



Thank you for enhancing the blood donation experience with your donation of products and services.

Jojo's Market
Stanford Floral Design
Izzy's Brooklyn Bagels
First Crush
Fish Market
Bank of the West
San Francisco Giants
FC Gold Pride
Superior Labels


We thank our sponsors for their generous and on-going support of our blood drives and events. Read more»


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