Your blood has the potential to contribute to breakthroughs like these. Click here to make an appointment online»
An overview
The generosity of Stanford Blood Center donors is not only measured by lives saved today. It’s measured by the discoveries our scientists are enabled to make, helping future generations even more. From transfusions to transplants to biotechnology for the future, your blood has amazing potential. Give blood for life!
April 2010: FDA Approves the First Cancer Vaccine
When the federal Food and Drug Administration approved the first therapeutic cancer vaccine April 29, it was sweet news indeed for Ed Engleman, MD, director of the Stanford Blood Center. That kind of therapy was just what Engleman had in mind more than 18 years ago when he conceived the idea of tricking the immune system into fighting cancer. More»
Proven Results for Matching Organ Donors to Patients
The first doctors she consulted told Rachel Amato that the odds were vastly against her ever having a successful kidney transplant. Then the 29-year-old mother of four from Turlock, Calif., traveled to Stanford Hospital & Clinics. “They were really honest with me,” she recalls. “They said, ‘We have seen proof that this new treatment works..." More»
Survival story
From the new parents: “Quinn Frederick Bossow was born on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately, he is in extremely critical condition at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.” More»