Blood Center

Where are the Cures? Accelerating New Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis & All Diseases


By Scott Johnson, president and founder of the Myelin Repair Foundation. Listen to Mr. Johnson speak live on this topic at our next Cafe Scientifique series on Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 7 p.m.

Just like millions around the world and perhaps many of you, I am a patient. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over 30 years ago. At that time, I was told there would be a cure in 30 years. If I were diagnosed today, I would be told the same thing.
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Grateful in the Face of Challenge

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By Billie Rubin, Hemoglobin’s Catabolic Cousin, reporting from the labs of Stanford Blood Center

It looks like our O+, O-, A+, and A- RBCs are going out to our hospitals at blinding speeds these days. When many of these blood types are at or near the critical levels in our inventory, everyone's work here at SBC is cut out for them. Finding and scheduling donors, setting up mobile blood drives, drawing the blood, testing it in the lab and processing it for transfusion has our little hands working as fast as they can go.
Continue reading: " Grateful in the Face of Challenge "

I Am


By Lauren Ward Larsen, grateful multi-gallon blood recipient and the author of Zuzu's Petals: A True Story of Second Chances

I woke up one Tuesday and knew it was going to be a crappy day. I asked my daughter to get herself ready for school and wake me when it was time for me to drive her there. I e-mailed my personal trainer and cancelled my first appointment to launch a workout routine. Even showering felt like too much effort.
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By Billie Rubin, Hemoglobin’s Catabolic Cousin, reporting from the labs of Stanford Blood Center

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that 50 - 85% of adults have been exposed to at some point in their lives. It is passed by person-to-person contact with body fluids, and it is in the same family of viruses that cause chicken pox and mononucleosis. In healthy people, it rarely results in serious illness and can remain dormant in their bodies for the rest of their lives.
Continue reading: " Cytomegalovirus "

Research is a Treasure Hunt, Engleman Tells Tech Trek Students


By Dayna Myers, Marketing Communications Manager, Stanford Blood Center

Stanford Blood Center founder and Medical Director Ed Engleman, MD, took a break from the lab to share his inspiring story with a group of students from the Tech Trek science and math camp on July 16.
Continue reading: " Research is a Treasure Hunt, Engleman Tells Tech Trek Students "

New Red Blood Cell Loss Limit for Platelet Donors


A message from Dr. Susan Galel, Director of Clinical Operations, Stanford Blood Center

If you are one of our dedicated platelet pheresis donors, you know that we keep careful records of how much you donate— and how often—in the familiar Annual Donor Records tucked in your chart. It is our responsibility to ensure that your donation frequency is safe for you. Before each of your donations, we tally all of your visits, red blood cell losses and plasma losses for the 12 months prior to that donation, to be sure that you will not exceed any of the safety limits.
Continue reading: " New Red Blood Cell Loss Limit for Platelet Donors "

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


By Deanna Bolio, Public Relations Associate, Stanford Blood Center

Stanford Blood Center Bloodmobiles travel thousands of miles each year to collect donations at mobile blood drives. They stop at businesses and schools, churches and hospitals. But you might be surprised to know that on rare occasions you can even catch these buses on quiet residential streets, parked next to yard sale signs and driveway basketball hoops. These community blood drives, often associated with a particular patient or blood recipient, offer a unique opportunity for a community to come together for a good cause.
Continue reading: " Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood "

Whole Blood or Double Red Blood Cell Donation?

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By Julie Ruel, Social Media Manager, Stanford Blood Center

At Stanford Blood Center, we collect a combination of blood products (red blood cells, platelets, plasma) using different procedures and equipment. For the scope of this article, we’ll focus on two types of red blood cell donations: single unit and double unit.
Continue reading: " Whole Blood or Double Red Blood Cell Donation? "

The First to 600

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By Dayna Myers, Marketing Communications Manager, Stanford Blood Center

After more than two decades’ worth of visits, blood donor David “Mitch” Mitchell hit a unique milestone on August 20 when he became the first person to make 600 donations at Stanford Blood Center.
Continue reading: " The First to 600 "

Gold-Blooded Family

By Julie Ruel, Social Media Manager, Stanford Blood Center

When Randy Helmonds, wife Lisa, and their two teenage boys donate blood, they take an unconventional approach. Why sit quietly in the donor chair when it can be so much more exciting? “Creating a friendly, competitive environment is a fun direction to go,” shares Randy who wants blood donation to be something his family looks forward to.
Continue reading: " Gold-Blooded Family "

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