Blood Center

Fact Sheet
Fiscal Year 9/1/10 - 8/31/11

Annual Draw: 46,806 Whole Blood Donations
843 Autologous Donations
257 Designated Donations
11,259 Automated Donations
154 Therapeutic Phlebotomies
Annual Production: Approximately 89,856 Products for Transfusion
28,386 Products for Pharmaceuticals
25,798 Products for Research
Service To: Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
El Camino Hospital, Mountain View
El Camino Hospital, Los Gatos
O'Connor Hospital, San Jose
Palo Alto V.A. Hospital
Livermore V.A. Hospital
Biotech and academia researchers
Clinical laboratories
Staff: 55 Academic Full Time Equivalents
269 Operational Full Time Equivalents
Licensed Staff: RNs, LVNs, CLSs, MDs
Budget: $50 million
Revenue Source: Billable Blood Products and Services
Histocompatibility Testing

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