Blood Center

Highlights & History

1970's Stanford Blood Center Opens
Begin screening for Hepatitis B
Begin providing HLA compatible platelets
1980's Begin providing CMV negative blood to patients
Begin surrogate testing for AIDS virus
Join National Marrow Donor Program
Begin screening for HTLV
1990's Begin screening for Hepatitis C
Begin confirmatory testing for HTLV-I/II
Begin differential testing between HTLV-I and HTLV-II
Begin researching what would later become the first FDA-approved cancer vaccine
Begin West Nile NAT
Begin Chagas Testing

Our Mission

At Stanford Blood Center, we provide hope for the future: teaching tomorrow's leaders in transfusion medicine, researching to unlock mysteries inherent in blood, and connecting donors to patients every day.

A Brief History

Stanford Blood Center was created within the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine in 1978. The Blood Center was created to meet the increasingly large and complex transfusion needs of Stanford Hospital and Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, and to perform research and teaching.


The history of the Blood Center is replete with milestones in transfusion medicine, particularly in the areas of blood safety and compatibility testing.

These achievements represent the outcome of a close working relationship between research and clinical personnel, and the integration of the research labs with the Blood Center and Transfusion Service clinical programs.

Service and Diversity

Stanford Blood Center strives to maintain a standard of service excellence in meeting the needs of physicians, and our diverse donor and patient populations.

The Blood Center has developed a large Automated Blood Collection program, including Double Red Blood Cell collection and multiple plasma product collection, in response to the growing needs of hospital programs targeting oncology, bone marrow and solid organ transplant. We serve the second largest transfusion facility in the United States, with a wide array of specialized products and services.

Two histocompatibility labs were purchased from Stanford University Hospital in 1992 to complement the Blood Center HLA Laboratory and to meet growing transplant needs.

The Autologous (self-donation) and Designated Donations Department is dedicated to responding to the special needs of this group of donors. Stanford's Donor Services Department continues to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the ethnically diverse patient population. Community groups assist this effort through community education, seminars, and blood and tissue typing drives.

The Blood Center is proud of its history. We are committed to continuous quality improvement through innovative management and an intramural education program focusing on staff and management development.

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