Blood Center

Donor Recognition

If you have donated blood with Stanford Blood Center, you’ve been enrolled in our Loyalty Program. For each donation (or attempt to donate), you’ll be awarded points that you may redeem in our online store. You’ll also have online access to your historical vital statistics such as cholesterol, hemoglobin, and blood pressure, as well as donation history. It’s our way of thanking donors for their generous support of our community’s patients. We made a few changes to the program in 2010 that bring donors more points, more events, and more options!

If each of our donors gave one more time per year than they traditionally give, we wouldn’t have any more blood shortages. That’s why we've refreshed our programs to make it easier and more rewarding for our donors to donate to their full potential.

We’re encouraging our donors to commit to coming in one more time each year than they’re used to. To this end, the points rewarded will increase each time you come in to donate during a calendar year. Here’s how it goes:

Since DRBC donors give a double unit of red cells and are ineligible to donate for twice as long as our whole blood donors, we’re giving you double points.

Other perks:

2012 Four Seasons T-Shirt

Ten Times Umbrella

Once you reach one of these milestones, we'll send you an email with details on how to order your gift.


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