Blood Center

Re-entry Updates

New update for hepatitis C and HIV re-entry testing: Look towards Spring/Summer 2013!

The wait is almost over for donors who are waiting for re-entry testing. Stanford Blood Center will be implementing a new re-entry testing process starting in the Spring/Summer of 2013. The FDA's new re-entry procedure includes broadened qualification criteria which means even more of you may qualify to undergo re-entry testing than before.

Re-entry testing may be offered to donors who obtained an abnormal hepatitis C or HIV test result at Stanford Blood Center. (Donors who are or were truly positive for hepatitis C or HIV infection are not qualified to donate blood and do not qualify for re-entry testing.)

More information, including the qualification criteria, will be posted on this web page closer to our implementation date. We will be contacting donors by letter, phone, or e-mail when we are ready to offer re-testing.

If you have any questions about this or would like to provide current contact information, please call Arlene Layon, Medical Services Manager, at 650-723-2597.

Hepatitis B antibody (HBcAb) screening test update

Update for donors who had a one-time, abnormal result on this screening test prior to 2007:

In 2007, Stanford Blood Center implemented a new screening test for hepatitis B core antibody (PRISM-HBcAb). If you had a one-time, abnormal result on this screening test prior to 2007 and were told to hold off from donating, you are now welcome to come back and donate blood for others. (Please note: Stanford Blood Center does not offer re-entry testing for donors who have reacted twice on this screening test.)

Before coming in to donate at Stanford Blood Center, please read the following:

Human T Lymphotropic Virus Antibody (HTLV-1,2 Ab) re-entry testing:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any donor re-entry mechanisms at this time. If you have any questions about this, please call Arlene Layon, Medical Services Manager, at 650-723-2597.


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