Every Day Stanford
Friday, November 20, 2009
It rained most of the day today, and as I was leaving work I was still in need of my photo for the day. Thinking that the day before Big Game should be my "best" Big Game photo of the week, I struggled for inspiration. And then I remembered that my friend (and boss!) Donna Garton, '79 (far right), her husband Michael, MBA '74 (2nd from right), daughter Jillie, '13 (center), Michael's brother Dan, '79 and wife Barb, '79 (left), had already set-up camp in their rented RVs just outside the stadium. You can't miss them--just look for the inflatable Santa with a fishing pole on top of their RV. Beat Cal!
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 20 2009 1:40PM | 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Didn't venture far today, all of these were taken within a stone's throw of SAA. 1) Top is a banner that an alum dropped off shortly after I started working at the Alumni Association. Rather than send it straight to the archives, it's been part of my office decor for years. (Let's hope for a similar outcome 80 years hence!) 2) "Beat Cal" x 2 hangs from the front of our building. 3) I passed long-snapper Zach Nolan heading to practice on my way home tonight. 4) Helmets are at Jimmy V's Sports Cafe, one of my favorite lunch spots.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 19 2009 8:39PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I walk past the "new" Band Shak--located in the "old" squash courts--on my way from my car to my office every day. (The Alumni Center stands on the site of the "old" Shak.) This was the first time I've ever seen band members on my way IN to work! 3 days to go, and counting...
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 18 2009 9:40PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Today's post was a toss up between this Larkin banner and a photo of the gigantic one hanging on both sides of UGLY. (I don't think they call it that anymore.) To see a good shot of the big one, check out Andy Lin's photo on White Plaza Watch. Rather than duplicate efforts, I went with some good old frosh dorm spirit (if rather crude in parts!).
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 17 2009 10:48PM | 2 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
It's not too hard to tell that Big Game week is here...Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 16 2009 9:32PM | 1 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Alumni enjoying dinner at Leading Matters New York. The energy in the room was high after a great afternoon of sessions and reconnecting--oh, and that 55-21 win over USC might have helped too(!). From my perspective, it was one of our best Leading Matters events to date.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 14 2009 9:46PM | 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
The preparations continue for Leading Matters New York. This afternoon the techs were testing out the media on the big screens, and chairs were being brought in to be placed for the opening session on Saturday.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 13 2009 9:34PM | 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I arrived in NYC this afternoon. Tonight, with the help of a terrific group of alumni volunteers, we stuffed the registration packets for "Leading Matters New York" this Saturday. It took over 30 of us almost two hours to stuff the folders--and then put the folders into bags--for the 1100+ people we are expecting.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 12 2009 9:16PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Busy day. Heading off to New York tomorrow for an alumni event this weekend. I took this at lunch in the gardens behind the Alumni Center. I was playing around with depth of field. Not sure it worked, but it'll have to do as my picture for today.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 11 2009 11:40PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I don't know how I didn't know that KZSU was housed in Mem Aud. I have worked across the street from Mem Aud for the last 8 years, and walk past this door several times every week. I never noticed it until today. It was open and there was music wafting out. I wouldn't have noticed it today either, if I hadn't heard it. I peeked in and the station manager's door was closed. No one was around. Just the music.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 10 2009 9:48PM | 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Home to the 25th-ranked team in the nation. Go Card!
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 9 2009 10:47PM | 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
There was a "Harvest Festival" happening in White Plaza at noontime today, with a talented duo playing folksy tunes. A song about trees led to this spontaneous "tree dance"...
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 6 2009 11:02PM | 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This one should have been a picture of Jim Harbaugh. I was futzing with my camera settings as he toodled by on his golf cart. He even gave me a wave. And I missed it. So, instead of Coach Harbaugh, you get a photo of the flag that was waving above me as he drove by. Dang.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 5 2009 11:38PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
One of my favorite lunchtime walks is over to the Arizona Cactus Garden, just a couple hundred yards from the Mausoleum. A group of volunteers has brought it back to full glory--a truly amazing place that is in almost perpetual bloom. I'll share glimpses throughout the year.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 4 2009 11:45PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm not really a horse-person, but I have always been drawn to the Red Barn. Renovated in 2005, it's an incredible facility. Not many riders were out when I stopped by on my drive in this morning (though I did see the cross-country team!).
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 3 2009 10:18PM | 2 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
First time I've seen one of these on campus (or anywhere, for that matter!). Would have been a much more interesting shot with someone getting a ride...
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Nov 2 2009 10:25PM | 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
I don't usually plan my photo of the day; I just wander and see what I find. But today, I headed to a spot that I imagine many alums would be drawn to on Halloween.... and the party prep had begun!
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Oct 30 2009 10:58PM | 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'm pretty sure this was a Masters swimming workout at Avery Aquatic Center, which has to be the most beautiful collegiate swimming facility anywhere.
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Oct 29 2009 11:27PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We traded--I took a piece of chalk to "write something" and Nadia let me take her picture. Nadia, a junior from Berkeley, is part of a group that grew out of a class taught by Anne Firth Murray about the power of love. She hadn't actually taken the class--was overseas when it was taught--but had gotten involved via her roommate. It turns out that Nadia is a Daily photographer, works on reunion class books at the Alumni Association, and is one of the student photobloggers on White Plaza Watch. Small world...
Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Oct 28 2009 9:54PM | 1 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I know they are going to build a new concert hall behind the Alumni Center, but it also appears that some sort of archeological dig is going on. After taking this photo, I did a little digging and found this brief description and photo of the original building.Posted by Ms. Cindy Pearson on Oct 27 2009 9:59AM | 1 comments
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