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Privacy Policy

Stanford University is committed to preserving the privacy of alumni and friends. This site has password-protected, secure areas which enable alumni and friends to connect with each other. Services included are the Alumni Directory, registration for Alumni E-mail, My Profile for updating and submitting contact and other information, E-mail lists, Message Boards and Chat, the Stanford Career Network, and the Stanford Volunteer Clearinghouse.

The Alumni Directory offers the ability for all alumni to suppress publication of their data on a field-by-field basis except for first name, last name, Stanford courses, degrees and degree years.

Your personal information may be used to provide you with information about Stanford Alumni Association activities and may be shared with other Stanford offices and departments for University-related activities. The information on this site will not be used for any commercial or philanthropic purpose not directly connected with or approved by Stanford University. Stanford has a small number of affinity partners, such as banks and insurance companies, who offer special promotions for Stanford students and alums. We carefully screen these partners and believe that they provide value to the Stanford community. From time-to-time the University may share your information with these business partners in order that they may offer you their services or products.

Cookies are used to enhance the experience of the visitor.

When an alum or friend subscribes to an e-mail list or provides an e-mail address for other purposes, his or her e-mail address is recorded. That address is used for sending out future mailings via e-mail. That address may also be used for general Stanford announcements. The e-mail address of a subscriber will never be disclosed to a third party.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. E-mail [email protected] or call toll-free within the United States (866)543-0243 or (650)724-0627 internationally.