About Us
This section isn't about us. It's about you.
At the Stanford Alumni Association, it's our goal to reach, serve and engage all Stanford alumni. We offer programs and services designed just for Stanford alumni. Wherever you are in the world and whatever stage in life you're at right now, chances are we have something just for you.
Programs & Services
Want to connect with friends new and old? Looking for things to do with other alums in your area? Use the alumni directory to find alums around the world.
Or check out the Where I Live page to see what's happening in your backyard.
And of course, you know all about your upcoming reunion, right?
Our Mission
The Stanford Alumni Association seeks to reach, serve and engage all Stanford alumni and students; to foster a lifelong intellectual and emotional connection between the University and its graduates; and to provide the University with goodwill and support.
Our History
Founded in 1892 by the University's first graduates, the Stanford Alumni Association aims to deliver the most effective alumni relations program anywhere in higher education. Its diverse offerings include a bimonthly magazine; online communication and networking tools; academic and social programming (on and off-campus); a worldwide travel/study program; and numerous Stanford-related products and initiatives.
Come Visit Us
Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center websiteSee all we have to offer at your home-away-from-home at Stanford.
Directions to the alumni center »
Contact Us
Stanford Alumni Association
Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center
326 Galvez Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6105
Main Number: (650) 723-2021 Toll-free: (800) 786-2586 Department phone numbers »