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Board of Directors

Under authority delegated by the University's Board of Trustees, the Alumni Association's 35-member Board of Directors sets priorities for Stanford's alumni relations and for ongoing interaction between alumni and the University.

Meeting quarterly (except during the summer) and working through a committee system, the board oversees the alumni association's administration and programs, monitors budgets and longer-term program plans, and approves goals for the division.

The board appoints its own chair and vice chair. Stuart Burden, serves as chair; Ashwin Adarkar serves as vice chair. Howard E. Wolf, '80, vice president for alumni affairs and president of the Stanford Alumni Association, reports to President Hennessy.

Under the general direction of the board, volunteer committees of the Alumni Association also identify eight alumni to serve on the 34-member Stanford Board of Trustees, and nominate for various awards students and faculty members who merit special recognition for volunteer service to the University.

Board Members


Executive Staff