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2011 Richard W. Lyman Award Winner

Lyman P. Van Slyke
Professor of History, Emeritus

Professor Lyman Van Slyke's, commitment to alumni dates back as far as 1980, speaking to alumni all over the country at regional speaker events and the world in Travel/Study trips. "Van," as he is affectionately known, has led over 35 Travel/Study trips to all parts of China and Southeast Asia.

Brett Thompson, '83, Director Travel/Study Programs, Stanford Alumni Association, said about Van; "Of particular note is Van's willingness to go back time and time again to the same places to show new sets of alumni travelers the places and people he knows so well. It's worth noting that he has led the China Yangtze trip alone a dozen times. And, if one were to count up the hours of his service to Travel/Study alone, it would total over a year."

About the Richard W. Lyman Award

The Richard W. Lyman Award was established in 1983 in President Emeritus Richard Lyman's honor. The Award recognizes one outstanding faculty member whose involvement in Stanford Alumni Association programming and University stewardship over time are truly "above and beyond." Faculty members considered for the award generously donate time to alumni, go beyond the expectations of University appointments and embody the mission of Stanford Alumni Association.

The award provides funds for additions to the permanent collections of the Stanford University Libraries in areas of special interest to the recipient and is presented at the annual faculty appreciation event at "A Toast to Faculty and Lyman Award."

Past Winners

Al Camarillo
Professor of History, Miriam and Peter Haas Centennial Professor in Public Service and Special Assistant to the Provost for Faculty Diversity

Rob Dunbar
W.M. Keck Professor in the School of Earth Sciences, Victoria P. and Roger W. Sant Director of the Earth Systems Program and senior fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Barton H. "Buzz" Thompson
Paradise Professor of Natural Resources Law and McCarty Director of the Woods Institute for the Environment

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