Welcome to the SSRL User Research Site

User Portal

The experimental facilities at SSRL are scheduled and managed centrally to ensure that the unique resources are most fully and efficiently utilized. The facility is supported by highly motivated staff members who ensure that all visiting scientists have a productive experience. With a strong focus on serving the general scientific user community, SSRL provides access to x-ray and VUV beam lines, instrumentation, sample preparation areas, ancillary equipment and dedicated staff scientists and technicians in numerous areas.

SSRL operates approximately 9 months each year, providing more than 98% of scheduled x-ray beam time. SSRL utilizes x-rays produced by the SPEAR3 accelerator, a 3-GeV, high-brightness, third generation storage ring operating with high reliability and low emittance.

Contact our User Research Administration staff if you need additional assistance.

Central Management Ensures Optimal Utilization
of User Facilities

All users are required to provide current contact information 30 days before their first anticipated visit during each run year (October-September). See details related to foreign users, required safety training and check-in procedures.

Planning Ahead Getting Beam Time

Onsite Logistics and Additional Resources

We take very seriously the challenges of safety and security here. These guidelines are intended to call your attention to concerns which you may encounter at SLAC and to encourage you to be alert for and avoid potential problems.
Review Access Guidelines
User Facility Access List
While You are Here

SSRL Tour Requests

SSRL Tour request forms are now on line! Please note if you plan to give a tour of SSRL this form must be completed prior to the tour.
Download the SSRL Tour Request Form.

National User Facility Organization (NUFO)

NUFO represents the interests of all users who conduct research at U.S. national scientific user facilities, as well as scientists from U.S. universities, laboratories, and industry who use facilities outside the United States. NUFO’s primary mission is to facilitate communication among users, user organizations, facility administrators, and other stakeholders and discussion topics include the benefits and significance of research conducted at user facilities, as well as their operational needs.
NUFO Website

Synchrotron and Neutron Users' Group (SNUG)

The Synchrotron and Neutron Users' Group (SNUG) is a group of scientists dedicated to science advocacy for synchrotron and neutron science. SNUG represents over 10,000 faculty, student, industrial and government scientists nationwide.
SNUG Website