From the Director: Interim Leadership for SSRL and Photon Science

Email: ckao [at]
I have asked Piero Pianetta to serve as interim ALD in addition to his current role as deputy director. Not only has Piero held a leadership position at SSRL for the past 30 years, but he also filled the role of acting director prior to my arrival in 2010. His extensive knowledge of the SSRL organization, the user community and the strategic directions we have developed make him the clear choice for leading the team at this time.
I would like to sincerely thank Piero, Tom and Jens for their willingness to take on dual roles for the benefit of the lab. Please offer them your full support as we search for permanent leadership in these important areas
The past two years at SSRL have taught me a lot about SLAC and our incredible staff, but there’s still more to learn and new staff to get to know. One of the best ways for me to learn is to hear from you. I strongly encourage you to reach out to me with your questions and ideas in the coming weeks.
Read full article in SLAC Today
Piero Pianetta, SSRL Deputy Director
Telephone: (650) 926-3484
Email: pianetta [at]
Research Interests
Use of synchrotron radiation for the characterization of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces.
B.S., 1971, University of Santa Clara. M.S., 1973, Ph.D., 1976, Stanford University
Professional Academic History
Research Associate, Stanford Electronics Laboratories, Stanford, 1977-1978. Member of Technical Staff, Hewlett-Packard Co., 1978-1982. Professor (Research), Electrical Engineering, Photon Science, 1982-present. Assistant Director, SSRL, 1982-2005. Deputy Director, SSRL, 2005-2009; Director (Acting), SSRL, 2009-2010; Deputy Director, SSRL, 2010-present.
Awards and Honors
Member, American Physical Society. Member, American Vacuum Society, Fellow, American Physical Society, 2006.
Britt Hedman, SSRL Science Director
Telephone: (650) 926-3052
Email: hedman [at]
Research Interests
Biophysical, Inorganic and Structural Chemistry: Development of methodology and instrumentation for x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and application to studies of electronic and geometric structures of active sites in metalloenzymes and generally in structural biology, bioinorganic mimetic systems, and inorganic systems.
B.S., B.A., 1971, University of Umeå, Sweden. M.S., 1972, University of Umeå, Sweden. Ph.D., University of Umeå, Sweden, 1978.
Professional Academic History
Research Associate (equiv), University of Umeå, Sweden, 1978-1982. Assistant Professor, University of Umeå, Sweden, 1982-1985. Senior Research Associate, SSRL, 1985-2001. Adjunct Professor, University of Umeå, Sweden, 1996-2002. Assistant Director, SSRL, 2001-2007. Professor (Research), SSRL, 2002-2007. Deputy Director, SSRL, 2005-2010. Professor, Photon Science, 2007-present. Vice Chair, Photon Science Faculty, 2007-2010; SSRL Science Director, 2010-present.
Awards and Honors
Swedish Natural Science Research Council Visitor Scholarship 1983. Farrel W. Lytle Award 2001. IXAS (International X-ray Absorption Society) Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of XAS 2009.