SSRL Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
The SSRL Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) reports to and advises the SSRL Director on a variety of issues.
- Operation of SSRL as a scientific user facility
- Planning, construction and operation of new SSRL facilities
- Long-term scientific directions of SSRL
SSRL Proposal Review Panel (PRP)
The biology panel reviews proposals requesting beam time for imaging, X-ray spectroscopic studies, small-angle scattering experiments, and crystallography of biologically important samples. -
The materials-1 panel reviews proposals requesting beamtime for material structure (atomic or nanoscopic structures of hard or soft matter) and properties (reactivity, self assembly). For example, this includes proposals concerning complex fluids, biological and synthetic polymers, batteries, organic electronics, and catalysts. -
The materials-2 panel reviews proposals requesting beam time for experiments in solid state physics and materials science, including electronic structure of solids, surfaces and interfaces, using UV and soft x-ray sources at SSRL. Examples include angle-resolved and core-level photoelectron spectroscopies, x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic dichroism. -
The molecular environmental and interface science panel reviews proposals requesting beam time for imaging, spectroscopy, diffraction and scattering studies of natural samples and those that are designed to be environmentally and geologically relevant. Such samples are often characterized by their high degree of spatial, chemical and structural heterogeneity across a wide range of chemical concentrations. The MEIS panel considers materials of biogeochemical origin or transformation and investigations of microbiologic soil chemistry and geochemistry.
SSRLUO Executive Committee (SSRLUOEC)
The SSRL Users' Organization (SSRLUO) is broadly concerned with representing the interests of the SSRL users. An executive committee (SSRLUOEC) is the formal organizational unit of the SSRLUO. They host an annual Users' Meeting which provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent user developments and experimental results as well as future plans. Users elect members to serve on the Executive Committee to carry out the business of the SSRLUO.
SLAC Scientific Policy Committee (SPC)
The Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) of the SLAC Board of Overseers reviews the progress and direction of research at SLAC and to ensure that SLAC's science policy is supportive of DOE mission needs, as well as Stanford University's educational and research goals, and is being executed in a manner that will advance the boundaries of scientific understanding.