Materials Sciences

Advanced materials are at the heart of our technically advanced society. Recent advances in theory, computation power, materials synthesis, and characterization have brought the goal of “Materials by Design” within reach. Synchrotron light sources, with their exceptional properties, play a critical role in providing the most powerful characterization tools required by the materials research community. SSRL is focused on specific areas within materials sciences where we can have the most important impact. The Materials Sciences Division (MSD) will specifically focus on two areas:

  • We will provide and develop a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies in support of the national “Materials Genome” initiative, in particular materials for sustainable energy identified in SLAC energy strategy. This includes in situ studies of growth, synthesis and reactions.
  • We will provide and develop tools and methodologies to understand the wide range of phenomena emerging from complex systems, in particular strongly correlated electron materials such as high temperature superconductors. It also includes magnetism and various information technologies.
  • Sciences at the picosecond time scales, including laser induced phase transitions.

Soft X-ray Group

  • Donghui Lu
  • Makoto
  • Denis Nordlund

Hard X-ray group

  • Mike Toney. Materials for sustainable energy, especially photovoltaics, batteries and fuel cells; oxide and organic thin films, polymers surfaces and interfacs.
  • Joy Hayter Andrews
  • Apurva Mehta
  • John Pople