for answers to fundamental questions about the ultimate structure of matter
and the forces between these fundamental particles, scientists use accelerators
which speed electrons and anti-electrons to nearly the speed of light, and
study their collisions and collisions from fixed target experiments. Using
similar technology in astrophysics, space-based detectors will help us understand
the birth and evolution of the universe.
The BaBar detector was built at
to study the millions of B mesons produced by the
storage ring. The BaBar Collaboration consists of approximately
600 physicists and engineers from 75 institutions in 10 countries.
The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology:
Our Mission is to bridge theoretical and experimental physics communities,
and bring their combined strengths to bear on some of the most challenging
and fascinating problems in particle astrophysics and cosmology.
The ATLAS detector is aimed at the exploration of high energy proton-proton interactions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, with 7+7 TeV beam energies.
The Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope (formerly GLAST). The FGST project is funded
in the United States by NASA and the Department of Energy and by
government agencies in France, Italy, Japan, and Sweden.
The International Linear Collider is a proposed future international
particle accelerator. It would create high-energy particle collisions
between electrons and positrons, their antimatter counterparts.
FACET—Facilities for Accelerator science and Experimental Test beams at SLAC—will study plasma acceleration, using short, intense pulses of electrons and positrons to create an acceleration source called a plasma wakefield accelerator.
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