SSRL Deadlines

Beam Time Requests Due Dates
X-ray / VUV (Log in to URA)
November - February scheduling August 15
February - May scheduling November 15
May - July scheduling February 15
Macromolecular Crystallography (MC) (Log in to URA)
November - February scheduling September 15
March - May scheduling January 22
June - July scheduling April 20
New Proposals & Extension Requests Due Dates
X-ray / VUV
Beam time eligibility beginning in November June 1
Beam time eligibility beginning in February September 1
Beam time eligibility beginning in May December 1
Macromolecular Crystallography
Beam time eligibility beginning November July 1
Beam time eligibility beginning March December 1
Beam time eligibility beginning June April 1
Rapid Access
Submit Rapid Access requests through the User Portal
or select one of the links below to submit the form via email.
Rapid Access (BLs 7-1, 9-1, 9-2, 11-1, 12-2, 14-1 MC) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL4-2 Bio SAXS) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL7-2 XRD) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL7-3 Bio XAS) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL2-3 Microprobe) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL11-2 MEIS XAS) Any Time
Rapid Access (BL11-3 XRD) Any Time
X-ray/VUV Proposal Extension Request Any Time
Letter of Intent (X-ray/VUV) Any Time