SSRL Experimental Run Schedule

At the end of the 2011-2012 run SSRL was operated successfully at 450mA stored current and top off injection every five minutes to maintain stable current. Assuming a smooth startup, we plan to continue operating SSRL with these same parameters at the start of the 2012-2013 run. Beam time shifts with the "low alpha" operating mode are currently scheduled for 11/23/12 (1200)-11/26/12 (0600) and 2/8/12 (0600)-2/11/13 (0600); additional low alpha shifts are expected to be added to the schedule later in the year. During these low alpha shifts, SSRL will operate with reduced current in the 100 mA range and possibly with six hour fill frequency rather than the standard five minute top off depending on user requirements.

Deadlines to submit new proposals and beam time requests are posted at:

See links below to the beam line schedules for the 2012-2013 user run which begins the week of November 7, 2012 and continues through early August 2013.

SSRL Operation/Maintenance

Accelerator Schedule (for staff):

LCLS Experimental Run Schedules