SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Energy: 3.000 GeV Beam Status: AccPhy Beam Current: 13.97 mA
Vacuum Quality*: 0.76 Ah Loss Rate: 0.01 mA/min Lifetime: 24.59 h

SPEAR Operator Messages

15-AUG-2012 06:30 SPEAR is off line for the annual shutdown. Various upgrades and other work is in progress. Stored beam will be re-established in November 2012.

SSRL BEAMLINES For Updates From the BL Duty Operator, Call 926-BEAM (2326)
Beamline Steering Period Gap/mm Field/T K Pwr/W Yield/Ah
1 Closed Fault - 48.0 1.249 - 2 0.00
2 Closed Fault - 48.0 1.249 - 2 0.00
4 Closed 10 18.0 1.894 40.69 657 0.00
5 Closed 10 100.0 0.082 1.41 1 0.00
6 Closed Fault 27 16.1 0.842 5.51 107 0.00
7 Closed 10 17.4 1.932 41.49 683 0.00
8 Closed Fault - 48.0 1.249 - 2 0.00
9 Closed 8 24.6 1.931 49.68 690 0.00
10 Closed Fault 15 23.8 1.274 16.31 266 0.00
11 Closed 13 16.0 1.996 32.63 722 0.00
12-2 Closed 67 22.0 0.142 0.29 2 0.00
13 Closed EPU 30.0 0.236 1.75 8 0.00
14 Closed Fault - 48.0 1.249 - 2 0.00
Top-off mode: Disabled Total run electron beam current integral: 0.175 Ah

Accelerator Information
Vacuum Information (internal use only):   SPEAR,   Beamlines
SPEAR Home Page SPEAR Dedication video,   Picture 1,   Picture 2

* Vacuum Quality = 0.4 * ( Lifetime / 1 h ) * ( Beam Current / 1000 mA )0.6