Welcome to SSRL: User Check-In Procedures

All users must check in at the User Research Administration (URA) offices upon arrival. Users must complete relevant training and return all forms to User Research Administration, Building 120, Room 211, prior to the start of any experiments. The URA office is staffed Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Procedures for user check-in are outlined below.

Note: The SLAC Sector 17 Security Gate is only open Monday-Friday 6 am-6 pm. During other hours, pedestrians can enter through the turnstile at Gate 17. If this turnstile is not working, please try the alternate turnstile at Gate 16A beside the SSRL building 137. The other alternative is to drive to Sector 30 Gate and around the PEP Ring Rod to reach SSRL. Exercise caution as this road has limited lighting, signage, and shoulders -- and deer are frequently seen in this area. If you have problems or need assistance, contact Security at 650-926-2551. For EMERGENCIES, CALL 911 OR 5555

Procedures for Check-In:

  1. Provide or update your user information using the URA web interface (this should have been submitted prior to your arrival).
    • If not a US citizen, please bring your passport, visa, and other relevant travel/immigration documents as URA is required to review and verify these. (Pre-approval is required for users from countries identified as State Sponsors of Terrorism.)
  2. Read the Access Guidelines (including hutch instructions and authorization); complete and return the agreement on the last page (this is an annual requirement).
  3. First-time users need to attend the SSRL safety talk and hutch operation training at 2 pm (meet in the Bldg. 120 URA lobby Monday-Friday at 2 pm). This SSRL-specific training lasts approximately 20 minutes and is required for unescorted access to the SSRL experimental floor. You will be registered for this training when you arrive for check-in.
  4. Complete Training Requirements before your arrival.

    NOTE: Please update your browser and flash plug-in to the latest version for best results. We have seen unpredictable heavier using the older version 3.0 series of Firefox and Safari with SkillSoft (Mac and PC) as well as pre version 9.0 of the Adobe Flash player. The course will appear to perform normally but the final scores not always posting

    SkillSoft is not supporting Firefox on the Mac. It only supports Safari on the Mac. Unpredictable behavior can be experienced with the version 3 series of Firefox and Safari on SkillSoft (Mac and PC). Courses may appear to perform normally but the final scores are not always posting. Please check your 'My Progress' link on the left hand side of your SkillSoft home page to verify that your training has been recorded. If possible, we recommend you use Internet Explorer on a Windows computer until we can verify this problem has been rectified. Please notify ESH Training if you encounter this problem.

    Locate your SLAC system ID number on the SLAC Directory page. This is your log-in ID. OR (we will provide ID# to new users after registering through the User Portal).

    Password - The password to log in to SkillSoft training portal is slac2005. Password is case sensitive

    Important notice if you are returning for refresher training!

    If you are returning to a course for REFRESHER training, after you start the course you will see a pop up window with three buttons that looks like this. Click the RESTART button to insure you receive course credit.

    Click here to Launch SkillSoft Training Portal

  5. Once you complete the check-in process, we will issue a photo ID badge which will allow you access through the security gates. Badges must be worn and visible at all times. User badges are valid throughout the run year; You must leave your badge with Jackie before you depart. Upon subsequent visits, please see Jackie to pick up your badge.
  6. You will be issued a quarterly dosimeter (only if you're working with Radioactive Materials or visiting a RCA area) which will, in the unlikely event, record any radiation exposure during your visit to SLAC. You must leave this dosimeter with Jackie before you depart. Upon subsequent visits, please see Jackie to pick up your dosimeter.
  7. Visitors who have not completed training and received their own SLAC ID badge, may only get a temporary badge from security if they have an escort (also inform the user administration office when this happens so we can track these people to the appropriate experiment/proposal and ensure that relevant safety requirements are met). Anyone who signs as an escort must: 1) take full responsibility for the safety of their visitor, 2) go only to designated areas and 3) remain within 'visual contact' of their visitor at all times (this means that visitors will only be permitted through security gates 17 or 30 if their escort is with them).
    Temporary Badge Description & Issue Locations
    • Gold Badges
      "I forgot my Badge" - Badge for one day or weekend use only.
      This badge is for individuals with current SLAC training who have forgotten their SLAC Badge. It is issued for one day or one weekend, with or without dosimeter depending on training. (Escort required in RCA areas without GERT or RWT training.) The badge will be issued only after a Security Officer verifies the training records and the individual completes the SLAC Dosimeter / ID Request Form A. A picture ID. (e.g., Drivers license) is also required
    • Visitors or No Training
      Red 'Escort Required' Badges are for all individuals without current training who need access through the Accelerator Area Gates.
      Reminder: A person who is issued a Red Badge must be escorted by an employee, contractor, user or an individual with a picture badge reflecting current training. An RCA map is available at Building 235, Gate 17 or Sector 30.
    • Temporary Badge Issue Locations
      Sector 30 Gate: 24 hours a day
      Gate 17: Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 10:00 p.m. (except holidays)
      Building 235: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 p.m. (except holidays)
  8. A white board will be posted outside of your assigned beam line; write the telephone number(s) where you can be reached locally on the white board so that you can be reached in case of emergency or if questions arise related to your experiment during your absence.
  9. To use SMB sample preparation laboratories, you must complete training and orientation. See Cynthia Patty for training and the door lock combination code. Ensure assigned workspace clean before you depart SSRL.
  10. A representative from each user group is required to complete the End of Run Summary at the conclusion of your experiment or shortly after you return to your home institution. This form is available on the SSRL website.
  11. After data have been collected, analyzed and submitted for publication, inform SSRL and acknowledge SSRL and funding agencies in each publication using the formats posted on the SSRL website. Your help is needed to keep up-to-date publications listings for all peer-reviewed journal papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and theses based on work conducted at SSRL. These publication lists allow SSRL to demonstrate the scientific achievements and productivity of users and of this facility.
  12. Review our monthly electronic newsletter, Headlines, and our website, for the latest news and announcements at SSRL.
  13. If you have any questions or other special needs, please ask anyone in the User Research Administration (URA) Office. We are here to assist in making your visit as pleasant and productive as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance:
    • Jacqueline Kerlegan, Room 211, 650-926-2079
    • Rose Zucconi, Room 211, 650-926-2079
    • Lisa Dunn, Room 208, 650-926-2087
    • Cathy Knotts, Room 218, 650-926-3191
    • Natalya Brown, Room 218, 650-926-8758

SLAC Sector 17 Security Gate

The SLAC Sector 17 Security Gate is only open Monday-Friday 6 am-6 pm. During other hours, pedestrians can enter through the turnstile at Gate 17. If this turnstile is not working, please try the alternate turnstile at Gate 16A beside the SSRL building 137. The other alternative is to drive to Sector 30 Gate and around the PEP Ring Rod to reach SSRL. Exercise caution as this road has limited lighting, signage, and shoulders -- and deer are frequently seen in this area. If you have problems or need assistance, contact Security at 650-926-2551. For EMERGENCIES, CALL 911 OR 5555.