Lab Training

Laboratory Training

» Schedule an appointment or call

If you have not yet completed laboratory training, training is available Monday thru Friday at 10:00am and 3:00pm or by appointment. Please note that every individual who will access the Sample Preparation Labs must complete laboratory training.

»  Learn more about Training

"Things to Remember" Checklist

In order to use the Sample Preparation Laboratories at SSRL it is important that you properly fill out forms, schedule lab training, and submit your User Access Agreement within the appropriate deadlines. We have provided a checklist below to help guide you through this process.

SMB 120

The SMB Laboratories in building 120 include a general use "wet lab" (Rm 257) and a separate glove box room (Rm 260).

SMB 131

The SMB laboratory in building 131 is a general use wet lab, but contains a glove box along with many other pieces of equipment.

MEIS 131

The MEIS Lab is also a general use wet lab, but with an emphasis on trace metal analysis. This lab contains Coy anaerobic chambers rather than glove boxes.

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