Community Academic Profiles

Christopher Gardner

Effect of Fish Oil on Plasma Triglycerides in Adults

Contact Information

Central Contact:

Antonella Dewell (650) 736-8577
Stanford University School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive Stanford, CA 94305

Primary Contact:

Antonella Dewell (650) 736-8577
To view all clinical trials at Stanford, please see the Clinical Trials Directory.


The purpose of this small, short pilot study is to determine the feasibility (e.g., recruitment, dose acceptance, retention) of a future longer trial comparing the effects of two types of omega-3 fats from fish oil on plasma triglycerides. The two types of fish oil are composed of (1) omega-3 fatty acids in triglyceride form; and (2) as esterified free fatty acids (i.e. ethyl esters. Although these two types of fish oil supplements are available to the public, it remains unclear whether they are equally effective in lowering plasma triglycerides.

Stanford Recruiting Status:



Lead Sponsor:

 Stanford University


  • Nordic Naturals


  • Behavior: Dietary Supplement: Fish Oil


Phase 2


Health of Volunteers:

People with the conditions listed in this trial can not participate as controls.

Key Inclusion Criteria:

*Gender: Both women and men
*Age: > or = 18 years
*Ethnicity and race: All ethnic and racial backgrounds welcome

*Fasting blood triglycerides greater than or equal to 150 mg/dL

*Planning to be available for clinic visits for the 12 weeks of study participation

*Ability and willingness to give written informed consent

*No known active psychiatric illness.

Key Exclusion Criteria:

*At screening:
*Daily intake of dietary supplements containing omega-3 FAs within the past month.
*Fasting blood glucose greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL

*Self reported personal history of:
*Clinically significant atherosclerosis (e.g., CAD, PAD)
*Malignant neoplasm

*Subjects currently receiving the following medications (self report):
*Lipid lowering drugs including statins
*Anti-hypertensive drugs: beta-blockers and thiazides

*Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 40.
*Pregnant or Lactating
*Inability to communicate effectively with study personnel

Ages Eligible for Study:

18 years to Any Age

Genders Eligible for Study:

Male and Female


Study Coordinators and Research Nurses cannot give medical advice over the phone. Telephone numbers are provided for obtaining additional information on specific clinical research trials only. If you have specific questions which require clinical expertise, please call your primary care physician. If you do not have a primary care physician please feel free to call the SHC Physician Referral Service at (800) 756-9000 or send an email.

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