Winston Churchill Scholarship

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Stanford Campus Deadline: October 26, 2012
Campus Interviews: November 1-2, 2012
National Deadline: November 13, 2012
Churchill Website and Application
Cover Sheet

**If you would like to apply for the Churchill Scholarship you must apply to Cambridge University by October 15


The Winston Churchill Foundation of the U.S., established in 1959, supports outstanding American students to do graduate work in engineering, mathematics, and the sciences at Churchill College, Cambridge University. The first Churchill scholarships were awarded in 1963. Each year Stanford can nominate two applicants for the Churchill Scholarship.

The Award

At least 13 scholarships are awarded anually. The Churchill Scholarship is worth between $44,000 and $50,000. It covers all University and College tuition and fees, living allowance, travel allowance and research allowance.

As stated by the Churchill Foundation, the criteria for the scholarships are:

  • Exceptional academic achievement in all disciplines, but especially in the major, as indicated by course grades (previous Scholars have had a grade point average of at least 3.7)
  • A capacity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics by pursuing original, creative work at an advanced level as demonstrated by awards and prizes and by letters of reference.
  • Outstanding personal qualities.


Applicants for the Churchill Scholarship must be:

  • U.S. citizens between the ages of 19 and 26 at the time they begin their study at Cambridge
  • Enrolled in or recently graduated from a participating college or university (Stanford is a nominating institution)
  • Nominated by that institution

The Application

A Chuchill application consists of the following:

  • Independent application to Cambridge University and Churchill College by Oct. 15
  • Churchill Scholarship Application (Essays: 2 page Personal Satement and 1 page Statement of Proposed Study)
  • 4 Letters of Reference
  • Official Transcripts
  • GRE Scores

The Campus Process

Each year, Stanford can nominate 2 students for the Churchill Scholarship, so the campus process is quite competitive.

If you are an enrolled Stanford student, you must apply through the Overseas Resource Center. If you are a recent graduate of Stanford, you may also apply through the ORC.

For the Campus Deadline, please submit the following the ORC:

  • Stanford-Churchill Coversheet (attached to each copy of the application)
  • 3 copies of the Churchill Application (printed from online application)
  • Letters of Reference, Official Transcripts (originals only)

The applications are reviewed by a committee composed of Stanford faculty and former Churchill Scholars. The top two applicants will be nominated for the Churchill Scholarship.

The National Process

Applications from nominated individuals will be reviewed by a screening committee composed of previous Churchill Scholars (mainly academic scientists). Shortlisted applicants have a short phone interview, and winners are announced in December.

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