If you are on an F-2 visa you cannot work, either on or off campus. There are no exceptions to this federal regulation.
If you are on a J-2 visa you can apply to the USCIS for work permission which allows you to work in almost any employment you can find. However, this employment must be for your benefit and cannot be used to support your J-1 spouse. Those with J-2 visas can find out how to apply for employment authorization by visiting our page on Applying for J-2 Employment Authorization.
For information on how your visa affects your employment situation, please come by Bechtel International Center and speak with an advisor.
The Career Development Center (723-3963), located in 563 Salvatierra Walk, offers workshops in resume writing, interviewing, and job-hunting strategies. Job listings are found in binders at the center. Appointments can be arranged by calling (725-1789). A workshop for spouses is usually offered during Winter Quarter. Visit their web site at https://www.stanford.edu/dept/CDC.
To apply for jobs on campus, visit https://jobs.stanford.edu, where you can browse for job openings. Current listings can also be found in the Stanford Report.
To find temporary employment, contact Manpower Staffing Services (846-2200 or email: [email protected]) at 3825 El Camino Real. For other off-campus agencies, see the yellow pages of the telephone book, under “Employment Agencies.”
Check notice boards around campus (I-Center, Tresidder, academic departments, the Career Development Center, etc.) for postings of occasional work.