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Why Rainbow?

The colors of the rainbow represent the many categories of information contained in the Resource Center.
We hope that international families will use the full spectrum of resources and opportunities to create a colorful, satisfying, and meaningful life here in the Stanford area.

What the Resource Center for International Families Offers

The Resource Center was specifically designed to assist spouses and partners of students and scholars upon their arrival and throughout their years as part of the Stanford community. It is located on the first floor of the Bechtel International Center.

The Resource Center for International Families should be your first stop to get information about living in the Stanford area. Staffed by spouse volunteers from several countries, the Center can provide information on getting settled, shopping, schools, careers, education, jobs, volunteering, travel, recreation and the arts.

Hours and staff are listed here >>

Resource Center Staff

The Resource Center is staffed by volunteer international spouses/partners who have been through the experience of leaving their home countries and the challenge of creating new lives at Stanford. They are eager to guide You in creating Your new life at Stanford. They will draw on the information in the Resource Center to help you with your immediate needs as well as your longer term interests.

They may even speak your language!

A Wonderful Source of Information on Everything About Living in the Stanford Area

Our staff of volunteer international spouses/partners will guide you through a wealth of information to make your life at Stanford more interesting, productive and enjoyable! Stop by and browse as often as you like and use it to:

  • Plan a trip or vacation,
  • Help with career planning and a job search,
  • Find interesting volunteer opportunities,
  • Learn about places to take your kids,
  • Find out about local universities and colleges where you can take courses or pursue a degree program,

… and much, much more!! We at the Resource Center will work with you in finding information related to your interests and goals.

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