Adult Education Programs in local schools offer daytime
and evening classes in many levels of English. (Many other
subjects are also taught.) Schedules are available at each schools and
at the I-Center.
Palo Alto Adult School (329-3752)
50 Embarcadero Road. (329-3752) 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto offers English classes in Escondido Village on Monday through Thursday, as well as at other locations. Evening classes are offered at Palo Alto High School. New students can take the placement test every Monday 9:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. Bring someone who can speak English to the test in order to complete the paperwork. Classes are often full, so you may be placed on a waiting list and notified when a space is available.
Sequoia District Adult
School (306-8866 ext. 7901)
(includes Menlo Park, Atherton, Redwood City)
Middlefield Ctr. 3247 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park.
For child care during daytime English classes, see Palo Alto
Adult School class at Ventura, (ages accepted: 2 to 5 years,
call 329-3752 for child care fees), Mountain View Adult School
(ages accepted: 1-5 years, co-operative nursery, no fee charged)
and Sequoia (free during day classes).
The I-Center offers informal
classes in English taught by experienced
volunteers. Classes are free, and center around themes
such as conversational skills, American history and traditions,
American short stories, writing, and travel ideas. Schedules
are available each quarter at the I-Center.
English conversation practice is available through English-in-Action.
To apply, visit the English-in-Action desk at the I-Center
(street floor) on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. (after
Stanford classes begin).
Community colleges offer English as a Second Language at a more advanced
level, and for a tuition (e.g., Foothill or Cañada Colleges).