The Work-Life Office at Stanford (723-2660) Escondido Village Center offers information and resources on quality child care on campus, as well as in the surrounding communities. You may obtain current information on parenting, summer camps, prenatal and childbirth resources, and how to balance school, work and family life.
On the Stanford campus the following programs are offered for infants and preschool children. (Please contact the centers directly. Many have waiting lists):
Many other pre-school programs in nearby communities are listed in the yellow pages of your telephone book under "Child Care Centers" and "School-Academic-Pre-Schools, Kindergartens". You may want to observe at several schools before making a selection for your child.
Other resources for parents seeking part- or full-time child care include:
Your child’s school can provide more information on after school programs. On campus, call the Pepper Tree After School Program (K to 2nd Grade; 723-3646).
Parents may learn about child development through enrolling with their child in the Pre-School Family (856-0833) at 4120 Middlefield Road, or Parents Nursery School (856-1440). Other parenting classes are offered by the Children's Health Council (326-5530) and at Bing School (723-4865) on campus.