Change / Add Academic Program

Immigration regulations require that a new I-20/DS-2019 be made for F-1/J-1 students who have made changes to their degree programs such as in the following examples:

  • Changing degree level
    • Students must apply for a new I-20/DS-2019 even if the completion date on the I-20/DS-2019 for the previous degree has not passed.
  • Changing departments
    • Students must apply for a new I-20/DS-2019 even if the completion date on the I-20/DS-2019 for the previous degree has not passed.
  • Adding a new degree program
    • Students adding a new degree program (at the same level but different department) and who will complete the new program later than the old one must apply for a new I-20/DS-2019 to extend their stay.
  • Adding a co-term program (undergraduate students)
    • Undergraduate students who are admitted to the co-term program must apply for a new I-20/DS-2019 to reflect the new degree level (and/or program)
  • Declaring/changing majors (undergraduate students)
    • Upon declaring a major, undergraduates who have I-20/DS-2019’s on which their major is marked as "General Studies " will be automatically issued a new I-20/DS-2019 to reflect their declared major. The same is true for undergraduates who change majors.  Applying for a new I-20/DS-2019 is not necessary.

Requesting an I-20/DS-2019

To request a new I-20/DS-2019 reflecting changes in degree level, department, or degree program, students must submit a completed I-20/DS-2019 request form to the I-Center along with the required proof of funding either prior to or as soon as the student begins the new program. The student's academic advisor must indicate on section #4 of the Request Form the projected completion date of the new degree.

If the student is planning to start a new degree program after either graduating from or discontinuing the degree program currently noted on the I-20, the I-20 Request form must be submitted prior to the completion of discontinuance of the current program.

Complete an I-20/DS-2019 request form here >>


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