Meeting People in the Local Community

Many local residents enjoy getting acquainted with international families at Stanford, and offer a variety of programs through the Community Committee for International Students (CCIS).

CCIS Loan Closet lends basic housekeeping equipment, such as pots and pans, dishes, sheets, towels etc., for a registration fee of $20 for couples or $10 for single students.

English-in-Action matches English-speaking community volunteers with Stanford international graduate students, visiting scholars or spouses.Partners meet for one year, once a week for an hour of casual conversation and cultural exchange.Matches are made during the whole year, but the majority are made during the Fall term when new students arrive at Stanford.

Classes in English for intermediate and advanced levels are taught by experienced volunteers. Pick up a schedule from the CCIS notice board near the entrance of the I-Center or see the schedule.

CCIS Home Hospitality Program offers an opportunity to meet occasionally with a local family. If you would like to be invited to the home of local residents, complete a Home Hospitality form.

Professional Liaison Program for International Spouses offers an introduction to a local person with similar career interests. Applications for the Professional Liaison Program may be found at the front desk at the I-Center or on-line.

CCIS Spouse Education Fund offers modest grants to help spouses pursue professional and/or educational goals. The application period is during the fall quarter every year.

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