Using Stanford Facilities

Use by Spouses/Partners of Registered Students, Postdocs, and Visiting Researchers

A Courtesy Card entitles spouses/partners to use a variety of university services such as libraries, athletic facilities such as swimming pools, weight training rooms, etc.

How to Obtain a Courtesy Card:

Where to Apply: Click here

When to Apply: Two weeks after the quarter begins or later.

Card Fee: US$20.00

Application Materials to Bring to the Student Services Center:

  1. Spouse's passport or identification
  2. the Stanford student's ID card
  3. Proof of occupancy at the same address (such as a lease, joint bank account statement or utility bill addressed to both student and spouse)

Note that the spouse/partner must apply in person. Also, there are no courtesy card privileges for spouses/partners of Visiting Scholars.


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