News Archive

Economics in the News

Defining the State: The Role of Government Intervention in the Economy Is Perhaps the Starkest Difference Between the Candidates. Mentions that economics Professor John Taylor is one of Romney's advisors and a candidate to replace Ben Bernanke, chairman of theFederal Reserve. The Economist, October 6, 2012
Mitt Romney's Shape-Shifting Tax Plan. Mentions that economics
Professor John Taylor backs Romney's claim that he can cut taxes
without raising the deficit. U.S. News & World Report, October 4, 2012
Here's One Tax Break All Americans Can Support.  Mentions research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  Atlantic Monthly, September 28

Bashing Fed, Romney Rejects Adviser Mankiw’s Policy Views. Cites John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Bloomberg Businessweek, October 1, 2012
Hockey Lockout Affects Sharks Fans, San Jose Businesses. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Inside Bay Area, September 27, 2012 

Double Dippers' in Marin and elsewhere rake in public money. Quotes Professor of the Practice of Public Policy Joe Nation about public officials who earn large amounts by double-dipping, receiving a pension one place and a salary another. San Jose Mercury News, September 24, 2012.
Uncertainty and Unemployment quotes Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  Washington Times, September 21, 2012. 
When Would Bernanke’s Successor Raise Rates? John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR, said to be on Mitt Romney's list of possible successors to Fed chair Ben Bernanke. WSJ Blogs - Real Time Economics, September 24, 2012
Taxpayers, ratepayers will fund California solar plants. Features Stanford University economist and SIEPR senior fellow Frank Wolak, an expert in the California electricity market. Los Angeles Times, September 20, 2012
Businesses attack California's cap-and-trade auction ...Union of Concerned Scientists in Berkeley. Lawrence Goulder, a Stanford University economist and SIEPR senior fellow who has been advising the Air Resources Board, said he thinks the existing... Sacramento Bee, September 21, 2012

Why Rahm Was Right To Fight For Kids Peer-reviewed studies by Eric Hanushek of Stanford University and SIEPR senior fellow., September 20, 2012
4 at Stanford plug Romney economic plan. Stanford economics professors Michael Boskin and John Taylor, public policy professor John Cogan and human resources and management professor Edward Lazear are part of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Economic Policy Steering Group. San Francisco Chronicle, September 17, 2012
The Secret to Great Innovation: R&D Clusters [Cites Nathan Rosenberg Professor of Public Policy, Emeritus.] Forbes, September 17, 2012
The Magnitude of the Mess We're In. [OpEd by Hoover Institution Fellow and SIEPR honorary chairman George P. Shultz; Professor of Economics Michael J. Boskin, Professor of Public Policy John F. Cogan, Hoover Visiting Fellow Allan H. Meltzer and Professor of Economics John B. Taylor] Wall Street Journal, Sunday, September 16, 2012
Pension problems not the fault of employees. [OpEd by David Crane, lecturer in public policy.] Sacramento Bee, Monday, September 17, 2012

Will there be a recession in 2013? Video quotes Nick Bllom, SIEPR senior fellow. September 17, 2012

Will the approved pension reform bill really help us? Said Joe Nation, a former Democratic member of the state Assembly who now teaches public policy at SIEPR.  Palo Alto Patch, September 13, 2012
George F. Will: Need a Fed chairman to resist the monetary morphine mix Fidgety government makes the future unnecessarily opaque. Quotes SIEPR's senior fellow, John Taylor. Oakland Tribune & Inside Bay Area CA, September 12, 2012

When Volcker Ruled. [Book review by John B. Taylor, professor of economics.] Wall Street Journal, September 7, 2012
The Mystery of Jackson Hole: Central Bankers Wonder Why Success Eludes Them. [Cites research by Edward Lazear, professor at the Graduate School of Business and SIEPR senior fellow .] The Economist, September 8, 2012
The State Worker: The Years Have Brought CalPERS Back to Earth.
[Cites work by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public
policy.] Sacramento Bee, September 6, 2012
California legislature approves pension reform ["Stanford University public policy expert Joe Nation, who has calculated Calpers' long-term unfunded liability at close to half a trillion dollars, said Brown's plan did little to solve the problem."] Chicago Tribune, August 31, 2012
If unemployment isn't structural, what causes it? ["But a new paper by Edward Lazear, a Stanford professor and SIEPR senior fellow and former top economic adviser to George W. Bush, and James Spletzer, a top economist at the Census Bureau, concludes that structural unemployment isn't a problem."] Washington Post, September 2, 2012

State pension reform no long-term fix.  Quotes David Crane, lecturer in public policy.  SFGate, September 1, 2012
Captain Austerity lurks in shadows of GOP fiesta ["To hard-money conservatives in Tampa such as John Taylor, a SIEPR senior fellow, whom many at the convention want to see running the central bank, Captain Austerity appears less as a superhero than a plumber with a mechanical tool kit to slim down the Federal Reserve's bloated balance sheet, end quantitative easing and reverse the negative sign on real interest rates."] Reuters, August 30, 2012
Economic Pros and Cons of Longer Life Spans ["'Instead of additional years of life being realized early in the life cycle, they are being realized late in life,' Stanford University economists Karen Eggleston and Victor Fuchs write in the current issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives with the usual complement of charts and tables."] Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2012
The three frontrunners for Fed chairman in a Romney administration ["Fox Business reports that Hubbard is the front-runner for the post, but notes that Stanford‚s John Taylor (SIEPR senior fellow), a Romney adviser and senior treasury official under Bush, is also in the running."] Washington Post, August 28, 2012
Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to stem pension costs is no panacea ["'It doesn't solve the problem,' said Joe Nation, a former Democratic assemblyman and professor of the practice of public policy at SIEPR."] Los Angeles Times, August 29, 2012

There’s Cake in the Breakroom! A New Marketplace Podcast.  A podcast featuring research by Nicholas Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  Freakonomics, August 23, 2012

Looming 'fiscal cliff' is hurting US economy now, economists warn ["He also cites recent research, which he conducted with economists Scott Baker and Nicholas Bloom SIEPR senior fellow at Stanford University, on the link between policy uncertainty and economic growth."] Christian Science Monitor, August 17, 2012
Study: Your Boss Really Is More Productive Than You (Sorry) [“And that someone, as of this week, turns out to be Stanford economist, SIEPR senior fellow and former George W. Bush advisor Edward Lazear. In a new study out on NBER, Lazear, together with Stanford's Kathryn Shaw . . . ”] Atlantic Monthly, August 21, 2012
As Medi-Cal soars, higher education loses. A research study done by Public Policy students Shaowen Ang, David Hoffert, and Robert Jackman. San Francisco Chronicle, August 10, 2012
Romney has a new economic white paper. Here's what he left out. ["The Romney campaign is out with a new white paper, co-authored by Harvard’s Greg Mankiw, Columbia’s Glenn Hubbard, SIEPR senior fellow John Taylor and AEI’s Kevin Hassett, defending his economic plan, and in particular his tax plan, in the wake of the damning Tax Policy Center study on it."] Washington Post, August 7, 2012
News Pushes Stocks…Higher? ["Uncertainty can be very damaging to long-term growth,' says economist Nick Bloom of Stanford University and SIEPR senior fellow, who helped develop an "uncertainty index" that measures the impact of unpredictable events on the economy."] U.S. News & World Report, August 7, 2012
Business's real problem: Uncertainty, uncertainty, uncertainty "An index of policy uncertainty created by economists at Stanford and the University of Chicago backs their view, showing that policy uncertainty has been much higher in recent months than during the previous 25 years."  Quotes Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow. CNN Online, August 8, 2012
How do we know if we have a policy uncertainty problem ["One study that the Romney camp has been leaning on heavily lately is a paper by Stanford professor and SIEPR senior fellow Nicholas Bloom, University of Chicago professor Steven Davis, and Stanford grad student Scott Baker called 'Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty.'"] Washington Post, August 8, 2012

Glenn Hubbard: The Romney Plan for Economic Recovery --"One recent study by Scott Baker and Nicholas Bloom SIEPR senior fellow at Stanford University and Steven Davis of the University of Chicago found that this uncertainty reduced GDP by 1.4% in 2011 alone, and that returning to pre-crisis levels of uncertainty would add about 2.3 million jobs in just 18 months."-- Wall Street Journal, August 1, 2012
Bernanke, the Reluctant Revolutionary "Ronald McKinnon, a Stanford University economist and SIEPR senior fellow, says low rates can keep alive 'zombie' banks and their borrowers when it would be better for the economy to flush bad debt out of the system." Bloomberg Businessweek, August 2, 2012
Virtual Reality Is Addictive and Unhealthy.  Opinion piece by William H. Davidow, SIEPR advisory board member.  IEEE August 1, 2012
Let's Be Clear, The U.S. Economy Is Just Awful "This is the worst recovery from a recession in at least 30 years – and, according to some, including SIEPR's Edward Lazear, the worst in all American history." Forbes, July 27, 2012
Ghost of 2008 Haunts Fed as Companies Take Short View on Risk "The Fed has diminished influence over this business cycle because periods of persistent volatility in markets and investor expectations can blunt the impact of monetary policy, said Nicholas Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow." Washington Post, August 1, 2012

Highest Real Yield Lures BlackRock to Malaysia: Southeast Asia. "Applying the so-called Taylor rule, a model developed by Stanford University professor John Taylor to determine a nation’s optimal interest rate based on inflation and output, implies a Malaysian policy rate of 2.50 percent, 50 basis points lower than the current level, Goel said." Washington Post, August 1, 2012.

Oakland A's owner Lew Wolff -- rich, powerful and helplessly hemmed in. "'The A's and San Jose have been left dangling in the breeze because the other owners won't say yes,' said Roger Noll, a Stanford University economics professor, 'and Bud Selig doesn't want to say no.'" Oakland Tribune & Inside Bay Area, July 25, 2012.

The Costs of Political Corruption in America. SIEPR senior fellow Bruce Owen shares his views at the Hudson Institute. July 22, 2012.
Pensions are becoming a civic burden. "'There's no doubt that if you offer more generous benefits, you're digging a deeper financial hole for your city or county,' said Joe Nation, a public policy professor of the practice at Stanford and former state assemblyman who co-authored a report on pensions earlier this year." Oakland Tribune & Inside Bay Area, July 21, 2012.
Pointless, painful uncertainty. "Many academics count things that proxy for uncertainty, such as mentions of the word in news articles. That’s one of the components in the uncertainty index developed by Scott R. Baker, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven J. links heightened policy uncertainty to weaker growth." Economist, July 18, 2012.
Uncertainty on taxes has a high cost for US economy. "Last year, three economists — Scott Baker and Nicholas Bloom of Stanford and Steven Davis of University of Chicago — set out to quantify the feeling of uncertainty, and measure its impact on the economy." Boston Globe, July 17, 2012.
Why Taxmaggedon is already upon us, in two charts. Cites index created by SIEPR senior fellow, Nick Bloom: "The index spiked during the debt ceiling crisis—just as consumer confidence and job growth both slowed." Washington Post, July 12, 2012. 
Paul Volcker, Richard Ravitch Say State Budget Crisis Threatens 'Social Order'. David Crane, lecturer in public policy and SIEPR research scholar, worked on the Volcker Ravitch report. Huffington Post, July 17, 2012.
Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet Addiction. Written by SIEPR board member Bill Davidow. The Atlantic, July 18, 2012.
Hubbard Prefers Cutting Uncertainty to More Stimulus: Tom Keene. "Hubbard said policy uncertainty is 'probably killing close to 2 million jobs' citing research by SIEPR senior fellow Nicholas Bloom and University of Chicago Professor Steven J. Davis." Bloomberg Businessweek, July 17, 2012.

California, look to Wisconsin. "The annual cost of funding pensions in California's 20 largest municipalities has grown from $1.3 billion in 1999 to $5.1 billion last year, according to a study by Stanford University professor Joe Nation." Los Angeles Times, July 17, 2012.
With Only $150K In Cash, Calif. City Goes Bankrupt.  Interview with Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy. NPR, July 11, 2012.
Hammer time: how auction theory can help LIBOR. "Both called in auction experts, ­Paul Klemperer of Oxford University for the BoE and Paul Milgrom of Stanford University for the Treasury." Economist, July 12, 2012.

San Bernardino bankruptcy: Other California cities could be next. "Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy and co-author of the February report, thinks for at least some cities, insolvency is inevitable unless they can wrest much bigger concessions on salaries and pensions from public employees." Los Angeles Times, July 12, 2012.
Fear of Year-End Fiscal Stalemate May Be Having Effect Now. "A separate index meant specifically to track uncertainty over government policy, created by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow at Stanford University, and Steven J. Davis, an economist at the University of Chicago, has risen approximately 56 percent during the same period." New York Times, July 12, 2012.
DealBook: Libor Rate-Rigging Scandal Sets Off Legal Fights for Restitution. "Darrell Duffie, a professor of finance at Stanford, said he expected that their lawsuits alone could lead to the banks’ paying out tens of billions of dollars." New York Times, July 11, 2012.
Q&A: Stanford economist John Shoven on Social Security.  SIEPR director John Shoven gives practical advice on how to save for retirement during a struggling economy.  Stanford Report, July 10, 2012.  

Insight: Fed knew of Libor issue in 2007-08, proposed reforms. "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York may have known as early as August 2007 that the setting of global benchmark interest rates was flawed...Darrell Duffie, a Stanford University finance professor who has followed the Libor issue for several years, said that he believed regulators were 'on the case reasonably quickly' after questions were raised in 2008." Reuters, July 10, 2012
Rein In Benefits Now and Tax Californians Later. Op-Ed by David Crane, lecturer in public policy. Bloomberg, July 9, 2012.
Oakland tries to retain A's, Warriors, Raiders. "Stanford University economist Roger Noll doesn't know how realistic Coliseum City sounds, 'but it's probably the only glimmer of hope Oakland has' to keep its teams." San Francisco Chronicle, July 4, 2012.
Interview with Darrell Duffie, SIEPR senior fellow.  Federal Reserve Bank, June 15, 2012
SIEPR senior fellow, Vic Fuchs comments on the affordable health care act.  New York Times, June 28, 2012

Michael Boskin: Obama and 'The Wealth of Nations'. Op-Ed by Michael Boskin, Hoover and SIEPR senior fellow.  Wall Street Journal, July 1, 2012

Alternatives to the Mandate.  Quotes research by Jeffrey Clemens, SIEPR Postdoctoral fellow.  NY Times, June 27, 2012
SIEPR senior fellow Roger Noll Honored with Antitrust Achievement Award from AAI.  June 25, 2012
Financial outlook depends on elections around the world.  Cites research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  USA Today, June 2012
Rocky Balboa Recovery, Foreigner House Purchases, Job Openings, Charting Economic History.  Mentions research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  WSJ, June 20, 2012
U. S. Stocks Advance As Fed Begins Two-Day Meeting.  Mentions work by Nicholas Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  Bloomberg, June 19, 2012
Buying green electricity isn’t easy, "You can’t color electrons,” says Frank Wolak, SIEPR senior fellow. Washington Post, June 19, 2012
U.S. Stocks Advance to One-Month High as Federal Reserve Meets "Scott R. Baker, a graduate student at Stanford University, created the gauge with SIEPR senior fellow Nicholas Bloom and University of Chicago Professor Steven J. Davis." Washington Post, June 19, 2012
The fiscal cliff in America.  Why so much uncertainty?  Mentions research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow.  The Economist.  June 14, 2012
We're Not 'Fine': The 3 Iron Truths of the Recovery Quotes Nick Bloom, SIEPR Senior Fellow.  Atlantic Monthly, June 11, 2012.

Former Wells Fargo CEO Dick Kovacevich blasts TARP: An 'unmitigated disaster'   Dick Kovacevich spoke at SIEPR on June 12th.  Bizjournals, June 13, 2012.
Chinese Scholars Convene at Stanford Center for International Development.  Nick Hope, director of SCID about the global economy at the annual China Forum.  China Daily, June 8, 2012
Airwaves for Bombs May Be Shared by Verizon in Obama Plan, SIEPR's deputy director, Greg Rosston quoted. Bloomberg.  June 6, 2012
California cities look set to pass pension reform "Stanford economist Joe Nation estimates the largest state pension plan, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, Calpers, and two plans for school and state university employees, are underfunded by a total of nearly $500 billion." Chicago Tribune, June 6, 2012
As Unemployment Predictably Rises, the Solution Couldn't Be Simpler "Typically, after a sharp downturn, the economy bounces back enough so that it gets right back on its 3 percent GDP trendline within a couple years. That hasn't happened. "As a result, writes Edward Lazear of Stanford (and SIEPR senior fellow) At this point, the economy is 12 percent smaller than it would have been had we stayed on trend growth since 2007." Forbes, June 1, 2012
INSIGHT-California city's pension vote-a precedent for U.S.? "The main California state retirement systems have a total shortfall in pension-plan funding of close to half a trillion dollars, a Stanford University study estimated." Quotes Joe Nation, professor of public policy. Reuters,Sat June 2, 2012
Silicon sally. Growth through digitisation requires more than faster broadband connections. Cites research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow. The Economist, June 2, 2012
When You Hate Your Taxes but Can’t Name Your Legislator.  Written by David Crane, lecturer in public policy.  Bloomberg.  June 3, 2012

Tech Suits Endanger Innovation "...asked the Stanford economist and SIEPR senior fellow Tim Bresnahan, an expert on technology policy."
New York Times, May 29, 2012
Guessing game begins over next Treasury chief. Mentions John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, as potential choice for new Treasury Secretary. Reuters, May 23, 2012
Equal Rights Make Sense for U.S. Economy. Mentions research by Pete Klenow, SIEPR professor in economic policy. Reuters, May 17, 2012
Moderates see hope in top-two primary.  Quotes David Crane, lecturer in public policy., May 20, 2012
Edward Lazear: Three Views of the 'Fiscal Cliff'. Written by Edward Lazear, SIEPR senior fellow.  Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2012
The endangered public company,The big engine that couldn’t. Cites research by Nick Bloom, SIEPR senior fellow. The Economist.  May 19, 2012. 

The Government, The Retiree, and Financial Repression. Mentions that the term "financial repression" was introduced by Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, and the late Edward Shaw. Forbes, May 11, 2012
Daniel Borenstein: Time for obstructionist to end snarky comments and seriously address pension reform. Cites research conducted by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy, and one of his students. Oakland Tribune & Inside Bay Area, May 12, 2012
Concerns Mount Over Financing Of Cal Stadium Project. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus at SIEPR. CBS San Francisco, May 9, 2012
Battle for Academic Economists Is Heating Up. Discusses the battle between the nation's top universities for economists. Mentions that Stanford recently hired Alvin Roth, a Harvard University professor of economics. Roth will start in September. Quotes Nick Bloom, associate professor of economics. Wall Street Journal (Public access) May 10, 2012
John Taylor has won the 2012 Hayek Prize for his new book First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity. Taylor was chosen by a selection committee of distinguished economists and journalists and will deliver the annual Hayek Lecture on May 31 in New York City.
Stanford experts wary of rail project.  Quotes Gregory Rosston, Deputy Director of SIEPR.  Stanford Daily, May 2, 2012
Steven Malanga: How Retirement Benefits May Sink the States. Cites a study by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy.Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2012

When to Take Social Security: Your Questions Answered.  Q/A with SIEPR Director John Shoven. SmartMoney, April 27, 2012

Credit Suisse Bonus Bonds Lead Embrace of Relief Deals. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 24, 2012
Fed Officials Weigh Rules-Based Policy That Stay Flexible. Mentions a rule created by John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 25, 2012

New California Taxes Pay for Pensions, Not Schools.  Article written by David Crane, lecturer for public policy.  Bloomberg Views,  April 23, 2012
How to Beat Government Bonds—Using Social Security. Cites research by SIEPR Director John Shoven.  Wall Street Journal.  April 20th, 2012
CPI Conspiracy Buffs Say Inflation Really Scary.  Mentions that in 1995, Congress created a commission to study the CPI. The commission was headed by Michael Boskin, professor of economics and former head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 19, 2012
Santa Clara Borrows Against Odds With 49ers. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 19, 2012

Hose tripe: Banning hosepipe use is a poor solution to a water shortage. Cites a forthcoming article by Jeremy Bulow, GSB professor and SIEPR senior fellow. Economist, April 12, 2012
When it comes to pensions, we can't afford to party like it's 1999. Cites a Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research report co-authored by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy. Sacramento Bee, April 14, 2012
Google Stock Move Puts It in Unusual Company. Quotes Joseph Grundfest, professor of law and SIEPR senior fellow. Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2012
Good Jobs News: More People Are Quitting. Cites a paper co-written by Edward Lazear, GSB professor and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Wall Street Journal (Public access), April 11, 2012
Must housing hit bottom to have a strong recovery? Video and summary of a debate at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research between John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow and Larry Summers, president emeritus of Harvard. San Francisco Chronicle , April 11, 2012
Bernanke Quietly Criticizes Lack of Repo Reforms. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. New York Times, April 10, 2012

Roger Noll to Receive Antitrust Achievement Award. On June 21, Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, will be presented AAI’s Alfred E. Kahn Award for Antitrust Achievement.
There Is No Invisible Hand. Mentions that Kenneth Arrow, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, helped develop the "general-equilibrium" model, for which he later won the Nobel Prize. Harvard Business Review, April 10, 2012
Investor Advisory Committee, JPMorgan, Icahn: Compliance. Joseph Grundfest, professor of law and SIEPR senior fellow, will serve on the new investor advisory committee formed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Bloomberg Businessweek , April 10, 2012
Good Money: Why Rep. Kevin Brady's Sound Dollar Act Worries Barney Frank. Cites testimony and opinion by John Taylor, professor of  economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Forbes, April 9, 2012
JPMorgan Trader Iksil Fuels Prop-Trading Debate. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 8, 2012.
California Relies on Volatile Revenue, Boskin Says. Video interview with Michael Boskin, professor of economics. Washington Post, April 5, 2012
Dodgers Costing $2.15 Billion Hinges on Property Return. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 4, 2012
Moneyball Takes Manhattan. Cites Noll's research. Slate, April 4, 2012
The Worst Economic Recovery in History. Written by Edward Lazear, GSB professor and Hoover Institution fellow. Cites John Taylor, professor of economics. Both Lazear and Taylor are SIEPR senior fellows. Wall Street Journal, April 2, 2012

Disruptions: Top 10 Lists Lead to Less Choice on the Web. Quotes Matthew Jackson, professor of economics and SIEPR researcher. New York Times, April 1, 2012
The Dangers of an Interventionist Fed. Written by John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, March 29, 2012
Committee formed to back California candidates with 'courage'. The Sacramento Bee , March 28, 2012
FCC hires top economists. The Federal Communications Commission is seeking advice from a group of prize-winning economists headed by Paul Milgrom, professor of the humanities and sciences and SIEPR senior fellow. Jonathan Levin and Ilya Segal, professors of economics, will be assisting Milgrom. The Hill, March 28, 2012
Bernanke Says Central Banks Should Learn More About Policy Tools. Mentions research of Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR Senior Fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek , March 23, 2012
Appointments. President Barack Obama has nominated Susanna Loeb, professor of education, to be a member of the board of directors for the National Board for Education Sciences. Loeb is also a senior fellow at SIEPR. The Hill, March 22, 2012
SIEPR and Public Policy Researcher, David Crane talks about California leaks. The Sacramento Bee, March 25, 2012
Report: City of Long Beach getting taller. San Jose Mercury News, March 21, 2012
California's stem cell agency ponders its future. Mentions that two years ago, Stanford opened the nation's largest space dedicated to stem cell research. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. San Jose Mercury News, March 18, 2012
In Defense of Free Market Health Care. Summarizes "Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care," a paper published by Kenneth Arrow, professor emeritus of economics. Atlantic Monthly, March 18, 2012
CalPERS set to lower its investment forecast, pushing state cost up. Quotes Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy. Sacramento Bee, March 14, 2012
Another Conservative Fails Disastrously At Trying To Debunk The Stimulus. Cites a study by John B. Taylor, professor of economics and John Cogan. Both Taylor and Cogan are senior fellows at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. The Business Insider, March 14, 2012
Michael Boskin: California's Greek Tragedy. Op-ed by Michael Boskin, professor of economics, and John Cogan, professor of public policy. Both are also senior fellows at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution. Wall Street Journal (Public access), March 12, 2012
The House GOP Authors a Jobs Recovery. Quotes from an article by Michael Boskin, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Senior Fellow. Forbes, March 12, 2012
Nobel economists urge Obama: back EU carbon limits. Top economists have sent President Barack Obama a letter on carbon limits. The signatories include Nobel Prize winners Kenneth Arrow, professor emeritus of economics, and William Sharpe, professor emeritus in the GSB. Reuters, March 13, 2012

Occupy protesters greet General Electric CEO Immelt at Stanford dinner. San Francisco Business Times, March 9, 2012
HP's Whitman calls for more innovative manufacturing. San Francisco Business Times, March 9, 2012
Economists overwhelmingly believe the bank bailout helped ordinary Americans. Quotes from a paper by Pete Klenow, professor of economics and SIEPR Senior Fellow. Washington Post, March 8, 2012

Points: Let's base public pension debate on facts, not made-up numbers. Criticizes three reports released by SIEPR in the last year concerning public pensions. Sacramento Bee, March 7, 2012
State lawmakers order San Jose pension audit. Mentions a 2011 pension report conducted by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. San Jose Mercury News, March 7, 2012
Knotty Challenges in Health Care Costs.  An Interview with Victor Fuchs, the Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Professor Emeritus and SIEPR Senior Fellow.  New York Times, March 5, 2012.
Forget Treasuries--Here's How To Earn A Higher Return From Uncle Sam. Cites a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper co-written by John B. Shoven, professor of economics and director of SIEPR. Forbes, March 5, 2012
America Needs Leaders Like Greece's Papademos or Italy's Monti.  Mentions SIEPR collaborated with the former comptroller general of the United States, David Walker, to produce the Sovereign Fiscal Responsibility Index. U.S. News & World Report, March 5, 2012

How to Outsmart Social Security. Cites research by John B. Shoven, professor of economics and director of SIEPR. SmartMoney, March 2, 2012
Officials put public share of Sacramento arena at nearly $256 million. Quotes Roger Noll, emeritus professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Sacramento Bee, March 1, 2012.

President can't put lid on gas prices, experts say. Quotes James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering, director of the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, and SIEPR senior fellow. San Francisco Chronicle, March 1, 2012
Viewpoints: Pension costs are crushing local governments. Co-written by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy and author of the pensions study released SIEPR last week. Sacramento Bee, February 29, 2012
The Floridian school of thought. Cites Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Economist, February 23, 2012
Greek Crisis Raises New Fears Over Credit-Default Swaps. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR Senior Fellow. New York Times, February 22, 2012
How Congress is killing the recovery.  Mentions research by associate professor Nicholas Bloom. CNN February, 23, 2012
City workers oppose San Jose's pension reform plans. Lobbyist Tom Saggau criticizes the report released yesterday (2/22/12) by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy at SIEPR. SF Chronicle, February 23, 2012
California Republicans back Democrat governor on pensions. Mentions SIEPR research.  Reuters, February 22, 2012
Report paints worrisome picture for Calif cities.  Cites report by Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy at SIEPR. Channel 7, February 21, 2012
Calif. Study: $135.7B in local pension liabilities. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 21, 2012
California city and county pensions in trouble, report says. Quotes from report by Joe Nation. Los Angeles Times, February 21, 2012
San Jose softens pension proposal. San Jose Mercury News, February 22, 2012
Study on Sacramento County's pension debt sparks debate. Sacramento Bee, February 22, 2012
California’s Local Pension Systems Over $130 Billion in Debt--Stanford Study Shows Independent Pension Systems Combined Debt is $136 Billion--Study covers the top 24 independent systems across California.. Press release of highlights
Stanford: California's local public pensions $135.7 billion short [Presents the results of a study led by Joe Nation, professor of the practice of public policy, released SIEPR. Sacramento Bee, February 21, 2012
Obama's New Waiver Policy: Some Children Left Behind? Quotes from research by Eric Hanushek, SIEPR senior fellow. Forbes, February 15, 2012
Washington's Knack for Picking Losers.  OpEd by SIEPR senior fellow Michael J. Boskin.  Wall Street Journal,  February 12, 2012.  
San Jose ethics commission must pass on mayor complaint. Cites research from SIEPR. San Jose Mercury News, February 14, 2012
Calpers Actuary Proposes Changing 7.75% Investment Return. Cites a Stanford University report on Calpers funding. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 14, 2012
Go for the churn. Research of Edward Lazear, professor of business and SIEPR senior fellow. Economist, February 9, 2012
Goldman Sachs Among Banks Fighting to Exempt Half of Swaps Books. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek,February 8, 2012
Goldman subprime bet highlights Volcker debate. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. Reuters, February 9, 2012
Heads up James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering and SIEPR senior fellow among speakers at State of the Valley conference. San Francisco Chronicle (, February 9, 2012
Regulation Creates Jobs, Too. Quotes Roger Noll, emeritus professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 9, 2012
MF Brokerage Trustee Traces $1.2 Billion Lost Over Five Days of $1.2 Billion. Quotes Darrell Duffie, professor of finance and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek,February 6, 2012
Stanford's Taylor Tells Policy Makers to Abandon Temporary Fixes. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Boomberg Businessweek, February 7, 2012
The Fed's next hike will come at the end of 2014. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Economist, February 6, 2012
NFL owners approve $200 million loan for 49ers stadium. Quotes Roger Noll, emeritus professor of economics.San Jose Mercury News, February 3, 2012
NYT: For Founders to Decorators, Facebook Riches.  Quotes Alex Gould, lecturer at SIEPR.  New York Times, February 2, 2012
Kevin Warsh, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution and Lecturer at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University presented his views on the state of the economy and policy choices. Quotes and home truths by Kevin Warsh

How the war on teachers is changing the profession. Cites work by Eric Hanushek, senior fellow, Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Washington Post, January 27, 2012

Fed Easing May Harm Long-Term Economic Growth, Warsh Says. Former Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh, Hoover Institution distinguished visiting fellow and GSB lecturer, gave a speech sponsored by Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.  Bloomberg Businessweek, January 27, 2012 
Tom Keene Talks to John R. Taylor. The Stanford economics professor talks about the recovery, austerity, and predictability. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 26, 2012 

Keep the electoral college. Cites work of Kenneth Arrow, emeritus professor of economics and operations research.Washington Post, January 23, 2012
Calpers Earned 1.1% Last Year as Stock Holdings Slumped. Cites SIEPR research. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 24, 2012
Dan Walters: California civil service unions in denial on pension costs. Cites research of Joe Nation, professor of public policy. Sacramento Bee, January 23, 2012
Is It Time For A Wealth Tax? This podcast featuring Ron McKinnon, senior fellow at SIEPR, talks about his Wall Street Journal article along with Douglas Holtz-Eakin in an interview with Tom Ashton of On Point. National Public Radio, January 20, 2012
Victor R. Fuchs, the Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Professor Emeritus and SIEPR Senior Fellow presents his second collection of articles on health care reform. These provocative and thought-provoking publications, from leading medical journals, present views that will inform and stimulate.
>>To read
A's Lease Expires in 2013. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics.Oakland Tribune & Inside Bay Area, January 19, 2012
[Blog] Congress Should Abandon 'the Quick Fix'. Cites research by economics graduate student Scott Baker and Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. The Hill, Congress Blog, January 12, 2012
Americans Clueless Paying Wall Street $20 Billion for Bad Swaps. Quotes Roger Noll, professor of economics, emeritus. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 13, 2012
MLB Owners Meet in Arizona, But Decision on A's Move To San Jose Still Up in the Air. Cites Roger Noll, professor of economics, emeritus and SIEPR senior fellow. Inside Bay Area, January 11, 2012

[Opinion] State finance officials should face the truth on pension promises. Viewpoint by David Crane, lecturer on public policy. Sacramento Bee, January 8, 2011
Ever-changing prices may have hidden cost. Quotes Liran Einav, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR. New York Times via Boston Globe, January 9, 2012
Bush education law offered great promise, but after 10 years, wide agreement on need to fix it. Quotes Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Chicago Tribune, January 7, 2012

Most Economics is Just Organised Common Sense. Mentions research of Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics. Forbes, January 2, 2012
In Washington, Large Rewards in Teacher Pay. Quotes Eric Hanushek, Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow and professor (by courtesy) of education. New York Times, December 31, 2011
OpEd, Joe Nation and Pensions. Sacramento Bee, December 16, 2011
Report says state needs pension reforms. Research of Joe Nation, professor of public policy. Sacremento Business Journal, December 14, 2011
SEC Cops Want to Fight U.S. Judge. Quotes Jospeh Grundfest, professor of law and SIEPR Senior Fellow. Wall Street Journal (Public access), December 15, 2011.
Seasonal giving: Keeping up with the Santas. Cites research of Liran Einav, associate professor of economics and Ran Abramitzky, assistant professor of economics and SIEPR researchers. Economist, December 15, 2011
Stanford study finds San Jose pension plan unsound. Research of Joe Nation, professor of public policy. San Jose Mercury News, December 15, 2011
Stanford think tank: Pension costs skyrocketing. San Jose Mercury News, December 13, 2011
Reports: State's public pension costs soaring. Research of Joe Nation, professor of public policy. In response to the research, California treasurer Bill Lockyer resigned from a Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research advisory panel overseeing the research. San Jose Mercury News via Associate press, Decemeber 14, 2011.
State Treasurer Lockyer quits pension advisory panel in protest. Los Angeles Times, December 14, 2011
In two studies released in December, Stanford Professor of the Practice of Public Policy Joe Nation describes the state's worsening public pension dilemma. 
>>  PENSION MATH: How California’s Retirement Spending is Squeezing The State Budget - State-wide report released (12-13-11) - Press Release
>> SHRINKING SERVICES: Public Pension Costs and Their Impacts on San Jose - San Jose Report released (12-14-11)  - Press Release
The Nation-Storms report on independent pension systems is being expanded to link with detailed visualizations for each of the 69 pension systems. The report will be released at the end of January.
Can China Sustain its Phenomenal Growth? Chinese economist Jianling Wu spoke at Stanford's Ku-Shu Liang Memorial Lecture. Quotes Gerhard Casper, president emeritus and professor of undergraduate education, and Nick Hope, director of the Stanford Center for International Development. Palo Alto Patch, December 12, 2011
The State Worker: Stanford study pegs California pensions' shortfall at $500 billion- Quotes research by Joe Nation Professor of the Practice of Public Policy. December 13, 2011,

The GOP's Income Inequality Opportunity. Cites Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. U.S. News & World Report, December 7, 2011
Extending the Payroll-Tax Cut. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics; SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. National Review, December 5, 2011

Narayana R. Kocherlakota, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis spoke to SIEPR Associates about Making Monetary Policy, how the federal reserve system works, its objectives and some considerations about monetary policy.
>>For Q and A
>>For press conference video

Kocherlakota Says Fed May Need to Reduce Accommodation. Federal Reserve Board leader makes policy forecast during talk at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Bloomberg Businessweek, November 30, 2011.
Fed's No. 2 sees room for further monetary easing. In an event at SIEPR, Federal Reserve Board leader makes statement about economic forecasts. Reuters, November 30, 2011
Fed forecasts signal need to tighten: Kocherlakota. In an event at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Federal Reserve Board leaders make statement about economic forecasts. Reuters, November 29, 2011.
From Silicon Valley: Giving Isn't Just For The Rich. Interview with Laura Arrillaga-Andreesen, SIEPR board member; lecturer in business and chairman of Stanford Center on Philanthropy. Forbes, November 29, 2011
Policy uncertainty hitting job creation: Fed report. Cites Stanford economics research. Chicago Tribune, November 29, 2011
Local state senator leading pension-reform committee. Cites research by SIEPR on California's pension systems. San Jose Mercury News, November 24, 2011
It's the Politics, Stupid! Mentions John Taylor, professor of economics and a fellow of Hoover and senior fellow of SIEPR, as the type of serious thinker who could help solve the economic crisis. Slate, November 21, 2011
IMF Europe Unit Chief Quits After One Year Amid Debt Crisis. Alumnus Antonio Borges quits job as head of the International Monetary Fund's European department. Bloomberg Businessweek, November 17, 2012
Does government regulation really kill jobs? Economists say overall effect minimal. Quotes Roger Noll, economics professor. Washington Post, November 13, 2011
Is Telecommuting a Good Idea? Cites Stanford research on the effects of flexible work schedules at a major Chinese corporation and quotes Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at the SIEPR. Slate Magazine, November 9, 2011
November Student of the Month: Jackie Rotman is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in International Development.
[Opinion] A Slow-Growth America Can't Lead the World. OpEd by John B. Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at Hoover Institution and at SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, November 1st, 2011
 [Opinion] The Euro Crisis: Doubting the 'Domino' Effect. OpEd written by Edward P. Lazear, professor of human resources management & economics at the GSB and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, October 31, 2011. 
AP Newsbreak: Brown to Seek Sweeping Pension Cuts. Cites SIEPR study on California pensions. AP via New York Times, October 27, 2011
Obama Wrote 5% Fewer Rules Than Bush While Costing Business. Quotes Roger Noll, professor of economics, emeritus, and co-director of the Program on Regulatory Policy at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Bloomberg Businessweek, October 26, 2011
Committee Begins to Address Pension Reform. Cites SIEPR study on California pensions. San Jose Mercury News, October 26, 2011
 (Op Ed) How about a race to reform state pensions? Washington Post, David Crane, Published: October 26, 2011. 
Ben Wallace-Wells on the Romney Economy. Quotes Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR. National Review Online, October 25, 2011
The Wolfson Prize: Entries Please... Quotes Nick Bloom, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR. The Economist, October 20, 2011
Educational reforms include autonomy, teachers quality control and distance learning were discussed at a conference held in Mumbai sponsored by the Stanford Center for International Development (SCID). Hindustan Times, October 19, 2011
Vocational Training Can Prompt Unemployment Later in Life, Study Finds.[Cites paper co-authored by Eric Hanushek, senior fellow, Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Chronicle of Higher Education, October 18, 2011
Antonio Borges, the Director of the European Department of the IMF, spoke to SIEPR Associates about the European debt crisis and what can be done.
Our Gutenberg.  CEEG director,Tim Bresnahan spells out why Jobs is the name likely to be associated with the advent of the computer in our everyday lives. Economic Principles, October 10, 2011
"Steve Jobs has died. We should remember his accomplishments and the vision of American entrepreneurship he embodied," Timothy Bresnahan, director of the Center for Employment and Economic Growth (CEEG).  Read more >>
Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims, have developed methods that untangle "the causal relationship between economic policy and different macroeconomic variables, such as GDP, inflation, employment and investments." They are the 2011 winners of the Nobel in Economics.
Companies use fuzzy math in job claims; candidates still buy in. Quotes SIEPR senior fellow, Roger Noll. Washington Post, October 10, 2011
Handicapping the 2011 Economics Nobel. Mentions economics Professors Bob Hall and Paul Milgrom among the contenders. Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2011
[Opinion] Stimulus Has Been a Washington Job Killer.  OpEd by John F. Cogan, professor of public policy and Hoover Institution fellow, and John B. Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover and SIEPR senior fellow.  Wall Street Journal, October 3, 2011
October Student of the Month. George is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Technology Policy. He is especially interested in exploring the intersection of computer science with law and policy.

Ronald McKinnon OpED Wall Street Journal, September 30, 2011
San Francisco Op Ed written by John Diaz --David Crane and 2 others start Govern For California ( to help get a few courageous legislators elected to the state legislature. September 25, 2011
Diving Into the Rich Pool. Imposing higher tax rates on the wealthy can have unintended consequences. Cites research co-written by Camille Landais, post doctoral scholar in economics at SIEPR. The Economist, September 24, 2012
Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs? Not So Much. Quotes Roger Noll, professor of economics, emeritus, and co-director of the Program on Regulatory Policy at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.  Mother Jones, September 22, 2011
SIEPR director John Shoven cited. The Bottom Line, September 2011
Anoop Singh, Director of the Asia and Pacific Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave an overview on the importance of the Policy Challenges for Asian Economies in the Short and Medium Term -- in a conference co-sponsored by SCID and the IMF
Dr. Burton G. Malkiel, the Chemical Bank Chairman of Economics at Princeton University and author of the widely read investment book, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, shared his investment views and strategies in a talk on September 12 to SIEPR Associates. Part 2 for Q and A
President Obama's Jobs Plan Faces Tough Obstacles. Quotes Greg Rosston, deputy director at SIEPR. San Francisco Chronicle, September 11, 2011
Essays on labour markets and policy uncertainty win 2011 WTO young economists’ award--SIEPR postdoc Kyle Handley, wrote “Exporting under trade policy uncertainty,” studies the impact of trade policy commitments on trade flows. September 9, 2011
Not More of the Same. Written by economics professor and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow John B. Taylor. New York Times,  September 6, 2011
Game Theory in Practice. Cites work by economics professor and SIEPR senior fellow Paul Milgrom on radio spectrum license auction; also discusses work of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.The Economist, September 3, 2011 
Antitrust Suit Hems AT&T: Sweeping Challenge to T-Mobile Acquisition Leaves Little Room for Compromise. Quotes Roger Noll, co-director of the Program on Regulatory Policy at SIEPR. The Wall Street Journal, September 3, 2011

September Student of the Month. Adrienne is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Education. She has explored her passions of education and leadership over the past few years.
Grading the Education Reformers. Mentions Caroline Hoxby, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Slate, August 29, 2011
On August 22, 2011 San Jose's mayor, Chuck Reed and a host of union and city leaders sat down to hash out the pension plan dilemma. For more on the evening click here video 2 and video 3.  For news coverage of the event click here.
Channel 7--KGO TV highlighted the San Jose pension plan crisis meeting sponsored by SIEPR on August 22, 2011. [Link]
SIEPR will be conducting a community meeting from 7-9pm on Monday, August 22, 2011 to discuss the public employee pension challenges facing both California and the city of San Jose. The meeting will be held at SIEPR (more)
Silicon Valley Remains an Oasis of Optimism amid the Global Storm. Quotes associate professor of economics at SIEPR Nicholas Bloom.  San Jose Mercury News, August 13, 2011
[Broadcast] Boosting Job Growth: It's A Money Matter. Quotes John B. Taylor, professor of economics at SIEPR and senior fellow at Hoover Institution. KQED, August 14, 2011
Criticism of GOP Economic Direction Grows Louder and Sharper. Quotes John B. Taylor, professor of economics at SIEPR and senior fellow at Hoover Institution. New York Times via Oakland Tribune, August 12, 2011
Wall Street rollercoaster: Stanford expert tries to make sense of a careening marketplace. Economist Roger Noll, co-director of the Program on Regulatory Policy at SIEPR, admits that ignoring the wild ups and downs is hard, but "high volatility reveals only that many people are fearful about the nation's economic future." August 11, 2011
Stanford economist predicts 'large, short-run recession.' Quotes Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Stanford Report, August 10, 2011
Could the 49ers and Raiders Share a New Stadium? KQED host Cy Musiker talks with Roger Noll, a professor of economics emeritus and SIEPR senior fellow at Stanford University. Noll studies the economics of sports.
Odds of Double-Dip Recession Grow. Quotes John Shoven, economics professor and director SIEPR Inside Bay Area, August 4, 2011
The Nixon Shock. How Nixon stopped backing the dollar with gold and changed global finance, a 40-year-old decision that still echoes in Greece, Ireland, and the U.S. Quotes professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, Ronald McKinnon. Bloomberg Businessweek, August 4, 2011
John Shoven talks about the debt debate and economic recovery. As director of SIEPR and an expert on tax policy, Social Security and public and corporate finance, Shoven tries to make sense of the nation's economy and the debt-ceiling debate.
Teachers Conference. SIEPR director, John Shoven introduced Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice in Public Policy and David Crane, a Public Policy lecturer who discussed the perennial problem of the California budget at the 27th Summer Institute for High School Teachers--a week-long training session for high school teachers who teach economics.
Among Generation X Women, Age 40 is Party Time. Quotes John Shoven, director at SIEPR and professor of economics. USA Today, July 25, 2011
[Opinion] The End of the Growth Consensus. America added 44 million jobs in the 1980s and '90s, when both parties showed they had learned from past mistakes. The lessons have been forgotten. Written by John B. Taylor, economics professor and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2011
Congratulations to recent MPP Graduate, T.J. Augustine, who will begin working this Fall as an Arthur Guenther Congressional Fellow in Washington, D.C.   July 20, 2011
Blog-- De-selection of the Bottom 8%: Lessons from Eugenics for Modern School Reform. Cites the late Stanford psychologist Lewis Terman and quotes Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at Hoover Institution and SIEPR.  Scientific American, July 19, 2011
California's Huge Pension Debt Will Be Jarring. [Stanford study of unfunded liabilities in state's public pension system.] Sacramento Bee, July 18, 2011
[Opinion] Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate. Some argue the U.S. economy can bear higher pre-Reagan tax rates. But those rates applied to a much smaller fraction of taxpayers than what we're headed for without spending cuts. Written by Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2011
 [Blog] Stanford economist Victor Fuchs, author of Who Shall Live?, says health care law comes up short. Fuchs is professor emeritus of economics. Washington Post, Post Politics, July 15, 2011
A Stadium's Costly Legacy Throws Taxpayers for a Loss. Quotes Roger Noll, SIEPR senior fellow and professor emeritus of economics. Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2011
Can US Management Stay Ahead of China, India? Co-authored by Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Christian Science Monitor, July 12, 2011
New Senior Fellows. SIEPR is pleased to announce that Liran Einav and Luigi Pistaferri both from the Department of Economics and John Roberts from the Graduate School of Business have been appointed as SIEPR Senior Fellows.
Accelerating Job Growth in the Energy Sector. Mentions Professor Jim Sweeney, SIEPR senior fellow and director, and Professor John Weyant, deputy director, of Precourt Energy Efficiency Center. San Francisco Examiner, July 10, 2011

Moody's slashes Portugal's rating to junk. Wall Street Journal, July 5, 2011.
SIEPR postdoc Maria Fitzpatrick's paper is cited. Bloomberg Businessweek, July 4, 2011.
[Opinion] Key to Pension Costs is Realistic Assumptions. Written by David Crane, lecturer in the Public Policy Program. Sacramento Bee, June 28th, 2011
After Scott Rozelle and his colleagues found high rates of iron deficiency among China's poorest children, the government began feeding some of them an egg every day. But Rozelle is trying to convince the country's officials that giving kids vitamins instead of eggs is a better way to fix the problem. Rozelle is a SIEPR and SCID Senior Fellow and SCID helped to fund this project.
Taylor Says U.S. Needs 'Sound' Monetary, Fiscal Policies. Interview with John Taylor, economics professor and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Television, June 27, 2011
John Taylor: We Are In a Balance Sheet Recession. John Taylor is an economics professor and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow.  Wall Street Journal, June 24, 2011
Forget Economics, Politics Rules Today's Markets. Video interview with John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. MarketWatch - June 22, 2011.
5% or Bust: More on America’s Growth Potential. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow.  Reuters, June 17, 2011
Running Out of Road Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution SIEPR senior fellow, on the source of Americas economic problems.  The Economics, June 16, 2011
Can A's Co-owner Lew Wolff Endure Much More in Quest to Bring Team to San Jose. Quotes Roger Noll, professor of economics and SIEPR Senior Fellow. San Jose Mercury News, June 16, 2011
Landau Prize. SIEPR director John Shoven presented the annual Ralph and Claire Landau award to graduate student Alessandra Voena for her working paper entitled Yours, Mine and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?
Carlos Ghosn, CEO and president of Renault-Nissan spoke to SIEPR Associates about clean car technology and the strategy behind it. See Part 1 and Part 2 of Q&A.

Nissan's Ghosn on the Future of the Zero-Emission Car. [Re. roundtable and lecture featuring Nissan Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.] SeekingAlpha via Boston Globe, June 14, 2011
Why American Management Rules the World. Article written by Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow, and three others.Harvard Business Review, June 13, 2011
Factbox: Republicans' Economic "Brain Trust". A list of economists who have shaped the thinking of Republicans which includes John Taylor, professor of economics at SIEPR and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Reuters, June 8, 2011
Gregory Rosston tapped by FCC to provide economic analysis on AT&T T-Mobile proposed merger; Jonathan Baker and Gregory Rosston To Serve As Senior Economists For Transactions - FCC Release, June 6, 2011
June Student of the Month. Anna Schuessler is a senior in Public Policy with a concentration in East Asian Foreign Policy. Her favorite class within the program is PP200B, the Senior Practicum. Working with her peers and the Silicon Valley Education Foundation to analyze the effects of a change in California state high school graduation standards has allowed her to see the practical implications of what she has been learning in the past four years.

Ahead of White House Meeting, Economists Write to Boehner. Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR, is one of the economists who signed the statement. Washington Post, June 1, 2011
[Blog] N.Y.U. Lands Top Economist for Cities Project. Paul Romer, senior fellow at SIEPR, will run the Urban System Project based at New York University's Stern School of Business. New York Times, Economix, May 27, 2011
Tiger Moms Take Apple's Hometown as Asians Lead Growth in U.S. Quotes Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.Bloomberg Businessweek, May 26, 2011
Mexico Tycoon Clash Means Less Money for Slim as Consumers Win. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg, May 25, 2011
A possible solution to the government pension problem OP Ed --Research from Maria Fitzpatrick cited. Hagerstown Herald-Mail, May 25, 2011
Commerce's NTIA Announces New Commerce Spectrum Advisory Committee ...
.  The new co-chairs of NTIA Committee will be Dr. Brian Fontes, Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Number Association, and Dr. Gregory Rosston, Deputy Director, SIEPR May 25, 2011
High schools offer grade boosts to students who improve test scores. Quotes Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Los Angeles Times, May 24, 2011
Return of Stagflation. Op Ed written by Ronald McKinnon, SIEPR senior fellow. Wall St. Journal, May 24, 2011
Stepping in. Features alumnus John Lipsky, '74 MA Economics and '82 PhD Economics, new acting head of the IMF; and quotes John Shoven, director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. San Francisco Chronicle, May 17, 2011
Tapping Africa's Potential - Jeffrey Sachs spoke about Africa's present and future. For more info see Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. John Shoven, SIEPR director, and ALA founder, Fred Swaniker, introduced the conference on Africa. Watch more videos of the conference here.
Ugly Modeling. Will spending cuts ruin or improve America's economy? Cites research of John Cogan and John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Reason Magazine via Wall Street Journal, May 12, 2011
University System Perk Becomes Pension Liability. Quotes Joe Nation, professor of public policy. The Bay Citizen via New York Times, May 12, 2011
Opinion--Seniors, Guns and Money. Cites research of John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. New York Times, May 12, 2011
America running out of time to cut debt.  T.J. Augustine, Alex Maasry, Dami Sobo and Di Wang are Public Policy students. They share their views on fiscal responsibility. May 11, 2011
How to Turn 100 Trillion Dollars Into Five and Feel Good About It: The Highest-Denominated Bill Ever Issued Gives Value to Worthless Zimbabwe Currency. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR who keeps a Zimbabwean bill in his wallet as evidence of inflation's most extreme possible ramifications. Wall Street Journal, May 11, 2011
Dispelling the public-sector salary myth. Mentions Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy and Director of Graduate Practicum. San Jose Mercury News, May 7, 2011

May Student of the Month. Justin is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in International Policies and National Security. He recently finished his senior practicum project under the supervision of professor Mary Sprague. Justin and a team of five Public Policy students produced a report for the Hewlett Foundation showing how the financial sector can encourage wealthy individuals to donate more money to the most effective charities. The project was the most difficult and rewarding academic experience he has had at Stanford.
State Universities Missing Alumni Dollars for Sports, Economist Says. Interview with Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. KQED Radio, May 3, 2011
SIEPR's sports economist, Roger Noll and Public Policy student, NIkhil Joshi spoke with channel 7's David Louie about the strike both for the NFL and NBA and what it means to teams and ticket purchasers.

Former Secretary of State Embodies ‘Ideas and Action’ Throughout Career. Book is 'Ideas and Action' by SIEPR's honorary chair George Shultz.The Washington Diplomat, May 2011
Overhaul Grows and Slows. Quotes SIEPR Senior Fellow Joseph Grundfest. Wall Street Journal, May 2, 2011
Bloomberg’s Big Push for an Applied Sciences School  photo from the Economic Summit with SIEPR director John Shoven. New York Times, April 28, 2011

[Blog] Economists, Readers Offer Questions for Bernanke. Includes a question submitted by Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, April 27, 2011
[Opinion] Obama's Permanent Spending Binge. If government got by with 20% of GDP in 2007, why not in 2021, when GDP will be substantially higher? Written by John B. Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution senior fellow.  Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2011
A Clash Over the Airwaves.  Discusses 112 economists (Greg Rosston, paul Milgrom) who are concerned. New York Times, April 22, 2011
Governor says ratepayers should not pay for retirement of PG&E CEO.
Quotes Frank Wolak, economics professor and fellow at SIEPR and FSI and Precourt Energy Efficiency Center. Oakland Tribune, April 22, 2011
James Manyika, director (senior partner) at McKinsey & Company based in San Francisco and director of the McKinsey Global Institute, (McKinsey's business and economics research arm) spoke to SIEPR Associates about Retooling America's Economic Engine.  Watch Part 2, Part 3, and the Q&A Session here.
Sports Economics and Policy Forum. Athletes, industry executives and economists discuss and debate the economics and policy issues confronting sports.
Silicon Valley Cashes Out Selling Private Shares. SecondMarket and its ilk allow investors and employees - including Facebook's - to convert pre-IPO shares into millions. But is it healthy for startups? [Quotes law professor Joseph Grundfest.] Bloomberg Businessweek, April 21, 2011
What Next? Burn the Wagons. California must move before its next crisis. Cites Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. The Economist, April 20, 2011
Clark Medal Winner Levin Discusses Economics. Interview with economics professor Jonathan Levin who won the American Economic Association's John Bates Clark medal. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, April 19, 2011
All Talks, No Action. Cites research on international trade by Paul Romer, senior fellow at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.Foreign Policy, April 18, 2011

SIEPR senior fellow, Jon Levin, wins John Bates Clark award. Bloomberg, April 15, 2011

[Blog] Evidence. Cites research of Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow SIEPR. Forbes, Business Exposed, April 14, 2011

SIEPR senior fellow Roger Noll was cited in the California Journal of Politics and Policy: The state spends less than the average for other states, but local governments spend much more. High local expenditures are financed by revenue transfers from the state that account for about 40 percent of the state’s budget. The cause of California’s unusual fiscal relationship is decades of initiatives that more severely constrain local revenues than state revenues. California Progress Report, April 11, 2011
Stanford sports economist Roger Noll said, there's no evidence that sports teams help cities economically.  Orange County Register, April 6, 2011
White House pushing ahead with airwaves auction plan.  Washington Post, April 6, 2011
Blinder's Rosy Outlook Ignores a Few Important Facts. By Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics. Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2011
Paul Milgrom, Leonard and Shirley Ely Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow at SIEPR and Greg Rosston, Deputy Director of SIEPR and Public Policy participated in an event at the White House on Wednesday, April 6th with Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers along with Jason Furman, Principal Deputy of of the National Economic Council.  Rosston presented a letter signed by 112 economists supporting a move to grant additional auction authority to the Federal Communications Commission so that the FCC can run "two-sided" auctions to facilitate reallocation of spectrum to more efficient uses.
Trichet Seen Burying Ailing Nations With Rate Rise on Inflation. Cites the Taylor Rule, developed by John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Bloomberg, April 3, 2011

Investment & Unemployment, Pre & Post 1990. Cites professor of economics and Hoover Institution senior fellow John B. Taylor.  Daily Markets, March 31, 2011
March Student of the Month. Alexandra is a senior from Mexico City, Mexico, majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Development and Democracy in Latin America advised by Professor Stephen Haber. Alexandra has worked for several democracy promoting initiatives including the online voting-guide platform 'Transparent Democracy'. She was also actively involved in Greek life at Stanford, first as Financial Officer of Pi Beta Phi and later as President.
As Germans Bemoan Bailouts, Their Banks Bless Them. Quotes professor of economics, emeritus Ronald McKinnon. AP via Boston Globe, March 30, 2011
An Attempt to Unravel the Mystery of Major League Baseball's A's Riddle. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics. San Jose Mercury News via Oakland Tribune, March 30, 2011
From Tsunamis to Typhoons. The damage to the world economy from Japan's disaster, Europe's debt crisis and war in Libya is uncertain. That in itself is damaging. Cites research of Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at the SIEPR. The Economist, March 24, 2011.
Nicholas Bloom of SIEPR at Stanford University has examined the behaviour of firms in the face of 17 “uncertainty shocks”, from the Cuban missile crisis to the credit crunch.  The Economist, March 24, 3011

The Case Against Raising the Social Security Tax. Cites John Shoven, Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics, Wallace R. Hawley Director, SIEPR.  National Review, The Corner, March 23, 2011
On Fiscal Matters, Estonia Beats U.S. Cites new study by master's students, from the Public Policy Program that ranks the fiscal sustainability of countries around the world. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, March 23, 2011
CalPERS to Seek Legislation to Bar Gifts To Public Employees. The vote comes a day after the release of a report alleging wrongdoing by former top officials of the giant pension fund. CalPERS also will push to limit board members and executives from working for firms that do business with it. Cites a Stanford study on the pension fund. Los Angeles Times, March 16, 2011

Retired Senator, Alan Simpson talked about his experiences as the Co-Chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform at the Economic Summit. For more see section 2 and Q/A.
Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King spoke to the SIEPR Economic Summit audience about growing imbalances and how they should motivate governments to tackle instabilities in the global economy to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. For more see section 2 and Q/A.
Japan Plans Post-Quake Spending Bill as Fiscal Risk Rises. Quotes Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 13, 2011
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York, talked about his city and shared his views on immigration as the keynote speaker of the 2011 SIEPR Economic Summit. For more see section 2 and Q/A. For more videos of the 2011 Summit click here.
BOE's King Says Growing Global Imbalances Should Spur Leaders Into Action.  Bloomberg, March 11, 2011
Oracle's Catz Discusses U.S. Competitiveness Problems. Oracle co-president Safra Catz and DirecTV chief executive Michael White spoke at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Economic Summit event. Wall Street Journal, digits, March 11, 2011
UK's King: Rebalance Trade to Avoid Protectionism. Bank of England Governor Mervyn King spoke at the event. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 11, 2011
Bank's King Renews Call for G20 Imbalances Deal. Reuters via New York Times, March 11, 2011
Conference Issues a Wake-Up Call on Pensions. Joe Nation, lecturer in public policy at SIEPR, discussed the research at the Sonoma State University Economic Outlook Conference. North Bay Business Journal, March 7, 2011
Sacramento Kings' Exit Could Leave Hole in City's Heart. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow.   Sacramento Bee, March 6, 2011

[Opinion] Unfair Pension Scare Tactics. Discusses study by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Contra Costa Times via Inside Bay Area, Fri, march 4, 2011
San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Names John Williams President. PhD Economics 1995 San Francisco Business Times, March 1, 2011
Who Is John Williams, the San Francisco Feds New President? John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR was Williams' thesis adviser at Stanford. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, March 1, 2011

SIEPR's Annual Report. View in Flash or as a PDF.

Pension Fund Liabilities Should be Disclosed. Cites study by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.  Sacramento Bee, February 28, 2011
Student of the Month. Josh is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Ethics. He realizes that ethics and policy are often strange bedfellows, but he likes a challenge (and finds the philosophical foundations of political behaviors fascinating). Josh served as a TA for the Public Policy WIM course this fall and did research on nonprofit organizations this past summer with Professor Rob Reich in the Political Science department. Last spring, he studied abroad in Washington DC with the Stanford in Washington program, interning at National Journal magazine.
Cities of the Sky: From Dubai to Chongqing to Honduras, the Silk Road of the future is taking shape in urban developments based on airport hubs. Welcome to the world of the 'aerotropolis.' Cites Paul Romer, senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2011
Governor pulls two teachers pension fund appointees. Mentions Cameron Percy, a recent graduate student in the Department of Economics and Public Policy Program (at SIEPR) who helped write a controversial study on pension liabilities commissioned by former Gov. Schwarzenegger's office.

Keith Hennessey, both a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a Lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, spoke at a breakfast meeting to SIEPR Associates about the President's new budget.  See Part 2 and the Q&A session.
Commentary: The real issue for public pensions is disclosure of liability. San Jose Mercury News.  February 21, 2011
Commentary: Study gives bad advice on state pensions. San Jose Mercury News.  February 20, 2011
Web Solutions Applied to the Problem of Toppling Autocrats. Cites research of economics professor Matthew Jackson. Reuters via New York Times, February 17, 2011
[Opinion] Now is the Time to Invest in Ending California's Oil Addiction. Co-authored by James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering, SIEPR senior fellow and director of the Precourt Institute for Energy. San Jose Mercury News, February 16, 2011
EarthTalk: Can We Reach a Million EVs on the Road by 2015? Quotes James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering; SIEPR senior fellow and director of the Precourt Institute for Energy. E/The Environmental Magazine via Sacramento Bee, February 14, 2011
SF Fed Vice President, John Williams opened the First Annual State of the West Symposium hosted by SIEPR and the Bill Lane Center for the American West.  See also Part 2 and Q & A. To see more videos of the event click here.
SIEPR Economic Summit 2011. Click here for the agenda of the day's events.
Pension Politics "Red Hot," says Calpers Official. Joseph Dear, chief investment office of Calpers, spoke at a forum hosted by the SIEPR and Stanford University's Bill Lane Center for the American West. Reuters, February 7, 2011
Fed's John Williams: Recovery has achieved "liftoff." Williams spoke last week at an event for SIEPR and the Bill Lane Center for the American West. Chicago Tribune, February 4, 2011
Inside City Hall: Does It Matter Who's at the Top of Ballot? Cites SIEPR study that concludes all California city council and school board candidates can be affected by chance. SJ Mercury News, February 2, 2011
February Student of the Month. Raylene is a senior majoring in Public Policy with a concentration in Education. She fell in love with education policy while working on a PI Task Force during high school in her hometown of Oakley, CA. Raylene loves the policy field and has spent her past summers interning for the City of Oakley's City Manager, the Governor of California's Special Advisor for Job Growth and Economic Development, and the U.S. Department of Education.

 [Opinion] A Two-Track Plan to Restore Growth. Our economic wounds are self-inflicted. Changing fiscal and monetary policies could make a difference fast. Written by John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Wall Street Journal,January 28, 2011
Public Pensions Issues Explored But Solutions to Underfunding Difficult. Quotes Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy and Director of Graduate Practicum. Contra Costa Times via Inside Bay Area, January 27, 2011

Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds, New York Times, January 26, 2011
John Taylor speaks to Associates about Getting Back On Track.  Watch Part 2 of this lecture, and Q & A Part 1 and 2.
John Taylor: The Republicans' Shadow Fed Chairman. The Stanford University economist's blistering policy critiques have inspired GOP leaders. Taylor is professor of economics, and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 20, 2011
Securities Fraud Class Actions Jump in Q2. The report was released by Stanford Law School. Quotes Joseph Grundfest, law professor, SIEPR senior fellow, and director of the Securities Class Action Clearinghouse. Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal, January 20, 2011
Revisiting Bush 2008 Stimulus: Maybe It Did Spur Spending After All.
John Taylor cited. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, January 19, 2011
How Much Does California Owe? Joe Nation, Director of Graduate Practicum and Lecturer in Public Policy writes this article for the SF Chronicle. January 19, 2011
(Not) Accounting for State Governments. David Crane, Lecturer in Public Policy, writes this article for the SF Chronicle. January 19, 2011
The Latest American Export: Inflation -- In 2010, prices rose by more than 5% in major emerging markets such as China, Brazil, and Indonesia.  Written by  Ronald McKinnon, January 18, 2011
Why 2011 Will Be Do-or-Die for TV. Quotes Paul Romer, senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. VentureBeat via New York Times, January 17, 2011
Trichet Bonds Echoing Brady Plan May Fix Debt Woes: Euro Credit. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 16, 2011
2011 Economic Summit in March. This event is by invitation only featuring NYC Mayor Bloomberg; Mervyn King, Governor, Bank of England; Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize recipient; international economist and author, Hernando de Soto; and Senator Alan Simpson along with a host of others.
Join us for our first annual State of the West Symposium February 4, 2011. 
Foreigners Shun Europe's Bonds, and Debt Piles Up. New York Times, January 11, 2011
Chinese Foreign Currency Reserves Swell by Record Amount. New York Times, January 11, 2011
Nations Seek Success Beyond GDP.  Cites Pete Klenow. Wall St. Journal, January 10, 2011

Bernanke, Two Officials Express Concern Over Unemployment Rate. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Bloomberg Businessweek, January 10, 2011
Yellen Staunchly Defends Fed's Bond Program. Cites paper presented by professor emeritus of economics Ronald McKinnon at the recent American Economic Association meeting. Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2011
December jobs report: Unemployment rate at 9.4%.  CNN January 7, 2011
Is Facebook really worth $50 billion? And will its new financing scheme fall foul of regulators? Economist Magazine, January 6, 2011

January Student of the Month. Lucas is a Public Policy senior from Annapolis, Maryland with a concentration in the design of public institutions. He is interested in how (or whether) citizens and representatives use information to make civic decisions. During Spring quarter 2010, Lucas attended Stanford in Washington, where he took some of his favorite classes, like Federal Education Policy and interned with the Recovery Act Team in the Secretary's office at the U.S. Department of Energy.
FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules.  SF Chronicle, December 22, 2010
After Calamity, Economics Leaders Rethink Strategy.  SF Chronicle, December 20, 2010
Fed Purposes Rules to Cut Debit Card Fees, December 16, 2010
California Pensions May Face $200B Hole, Bond Trader, December 10, 2010
[Opinion] Tax Cuts For The Rich, Or Better Teachers In Schools? Cites SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow Eric Hanushek. Washington Post, December 9, 2010
On the Media: How the Press Missed the Pension Increase. Cites Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study. Los Angeles Times, December 8, 2010
Duncan Neiderauer, CEO NYSE Euronext; Kevin Johnson, CEO, Juniper Networks and Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director, Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson; discuss Renewing the American Dream: the Role of Capital Markets, Innovation and the Entrepreneur in Job Creation. John Shoven, SIEPR director moderates the panel. For the entire discussion press links 2, 3, 4, 5.
Robert Pozen, Harvard lecturer and chairman emeritus of MFS Investment Management® talks about the future of mortgage securities at the November SIEPR breakfast. For the entire discussion press links 2, 3 and 4.
Silicon Valley Bubble May re-inflate. SIEPR scholar, Alex Gould quoted in NY Times article, December 4, 2010.

December Student of the Month. Sam is a Public Policy senior with a concentration in environmental economics and a minor in French. His favorite courses include Organizations and Public Policy and Challenges of European Integration.
Cipro Cases I and II
BRIEF AMICI CURIAE OF 78 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW, ANTITRUST LAW, ECONOMICS, AND BUSINESS PROFESSORS IN SUPPORT OF APPELLANT Law Professor Mark Lemley drove this brief and SIEPR deputy director, Greg Rosston and SIEPR senior fellows Tim Bresnahan and Jeremy Bulow were supporters and signers.
100 Top Thinkers: Foreign Policy's Pick. List includes Paul Romer, senior fellow at SIEPR "for developing the world's quickest shortcut to economic development." Foreign Policy, November 30, 2010
Planning For Pensions. Los Angeles Times, November 29, 2010
Economists are a hot commodity. San Jose Mercury News, November 22, 2010

Stanford report says local pension systems $200 billion short. Capitol Alert, November 18, 2010
California public pensions underfunded cites Joe Nation study.  LA Times, November 18, 2010

Rhee Tackles Classroom Challenge. Mentions education research by Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution. Michelle Rhee is also a SIEPR Economic Summit speaker. Time magazine, November 26, 2010
China Should Not Add to U.S. Treasury Holdings CIC Exec. Cites economics Professor Emeritus and former SIEPR director Lawrence Lau, recently appointed to run China Investment Corp.'s first Hong Kong office. Reuters, November 17, 2010
Are Green Jobs a Mirage or Part of the New Economy?  The following is an intro to an oxford style debate on the future of the green economy.
Open Letter to Ben Bernanke. An open letter to Ben Bernanke signed by several economists, including Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR; John Cogan, at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR; Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR; and John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, November 15, 2010
Fresh Attack on Fed Move. References John Taylor SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow and Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution. Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2010
Can Microlending Save Haiti? 2006 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Muhammad Yunus, is featured in this article. He will also be a 2011 SIEPR Economic Summit speaker. New York Times, November 13, 2010
Stanford Study: American Math Achievement Trails Most Industrialized Nations. Quotes educational economist Eric A. Hanushek SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow who co-authored the report. SJ Mercury News, November 11, 2010
Policy Forum: Are Green Jobs a Mirage, or the Heart of the New Economy?
November 11, 2010 “Oxford Style” Debate   7:00-8:30pm
November 12, 2010  Forum   10:00am-2:30pm
A case for consultants? quotes Nick Bloom, senior Fellow at SIEPR. Financial Times, November 11, 2010

Do middle managers really matter? Stanford University Professor and SIEPR senior fellow, Nicholas Bloom talks with Kai Ryssdal about a study he conducted looking at the role of middle managers and whether they matter, and how he conducted experiments in Indian factories to find out. November 10, 2010

$4 trillion in deficit cuts proposed by co-chairmen, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, of President Obama's fiscal commission. CNN, November 10, 2010
David Brady talks about the national and state elections, and how it may affect the economy.
David Brady and Joe Nation talk about the national and state elections and how the economy will be affected.  Watch Q&A session
Application Inflation. Article about rising college applications asks, When is enough enough? Mentions Stanford's record applications for undergrad admission and work by SIEPR senior fellow and economics Professor Caroline Hoxby on unreliable admission rates; quotes former Stanford admissions dean Fred Hargadon. Chronicle of Higher Education, November 5, 2010
Bond traders jump in ahead of government buys.  CNN November 4, 2010
Fed Policy Generates Sharp Divisions. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Wall Street Journal, November 2, 2010
Experts: Giants' World Series Success Could Boost Chances for A's Move to San Jose. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. San Jose Mercury News, November 2, 2010

November Student of the Month. Cindy Guan is a Public Policy senior with a concentration focusing on law and the legal system and a minor in Political Science. Her favorite courses include Economic Analysis of Law taught by Professor Bruce Owen, Creative Non-Fiction Writing, and her Oxford course on Comparative Constitutional Systems.
Public Pension Reform Key Issue in California Race. Quotes Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy. Reuters, October 27, 2010
Public Pension Woes Haunt California, Other States. Cites Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study on CalPERS. Reuters, October 27, 2010
Pork for Me, Scraps for You, Is Tragedy. Quotes John Cogan, senior fellow at the SIEPR and at the Hoover Institution. Bloomberg, October 27, 2010
Treasury Sells Bonds With a Negative Yield. New York Times, October 25, 2010
Jim Turley, Chairman and CEO of Ernst and Young spoke to the SIEPR Associates about adapting and winning in turbulent and game changing times.  Watch Part 2 and Q&A Session.
China Fear of Echoing Post-Plaza Japan Limits 'Hyundai Accord'. Quotes Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow Bloomberg Businessweek, October 21, 2010
As Dollar's Value Falls, Currency Conflicts Rise. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. New York Times, October 20, 2010
Will the Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War? Cites John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. Time, The Curious Capitalist, October 19, 2011
In Defense of Middle Management talks about SIEPR's Nick Bloom and his research --Washington Post, October 16, 2010
Should the Nobel Folks Be Sued for the Financial Crisis? Quotes William Sharpe, professor emeritus at GSB. New York Times, Freakonomics, October 13, 2010
Bill Davidow spoke to SIEPR Associates about his new book Overconnected - The Miracle and Curse of the Internet. Watch Part 2 and Part 3.
Nobels awarded in Economics New York Times, October 11, 2010.
Not Everyone is Buying What Owners are Selling. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Boston Globe, October 10, 2010
Bank of America halts foreclosures.  CNN News, October 8, 2010
Jobs take a hit in September.  CNN News, October 8, 2010.
Pregaming the Economics Nobel: Don't Bet on It. [A betting pool run by graduate students at Harvard has Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research senior fellow Paul Romer as a top pick for the Nobel prize in economics.] Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics, October 7, 2010
Middle Class Slams Brakes on Spending. Quotes Luigi Pistaferri, associate professor of economics and SIEPR researcher. Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2010
October Student of the Month. Miriam Marks is expecting her BAH in Public Policy in June 2011. Her concentration within the major, Middle East security policy, is a focus that she has deepened with the concurrent study of both advanced Arabic and Hebrew in addition to courses on regional politics and terrorism.
Carney Watching U.S. Means Rate Boost Odds Drop: Canada Credit. Mentions the Taylor Rule of John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow.  Bloomberg Businessweek, September 30, 2010
Mortgage Apps Fall for Fourth Month.  Bloomberg News,  September 29, 2010

Goldman Seeks to Raise $2.5 billion in ICBC Share Sale. Bloomberg News,  September 29, 2010

Self-Inflicted Wounds Make PG&E's Effort to Rebuild Trust a Tall Order. Quotes James Sweeney, director of the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center and SIEPR senior fellow.  San Jose Mercury News, September 27, 2010
New Unemployment Figures Released
AP Investigation: CalPERS Bumped Pay as Fund Dived. Cites Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study. AP via Bloomberg Business Week, September 21, 2010
SIEPR director, John Shoven quoted about the end of the recession and semantics. SF Chronicle, September 20, 2010

Gold Hits New High CNN September 20, 2010

San Jose State Athletics Gains from Losses on the Field. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics. San Francisco Business Times, September 17, 2010
Principles for Economic Revival Op ed Wall Street Journal September 16, 2010 written by George Shultz, Michael Boskin, John Taylor, John Cogan SIEPR and Hoover senior fellows and Allan Meltzer, Hoover senior fellow
Opinion--Correcting Krugman. Mentions economics professors and SIEPR researcher Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider. New York Times, Freakonomics, September 16, 2010
Our Best Minds Are Failing Us: With America in deep trouble, our economists are AWOL, and our scientists are still off 'financial engineering.' Mentions Ben Bernanke's views while he was at Stanford. Newsweek, September 16, 2010
Slight Rise in U.S. Industrial Production in August
New York Times September 15, 2010
Economic Data Support View of Slowdown in Europe. New York Times September 14, 2010

Schwarzenegger pitches California tech, tourism, wine in Japan
Mercury News September 14, 2010
Fed Awaits New Governors and San Francisco President. Cites John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Wall Street Journal, Real Time Economics blog, September 13, 2010
Nick Bloom talks about Automatic reaction: IT spending has hollowed out labour markets, to the detriment of middle-income workers. Economist magazine September 9, 2010

Fed Banks Saw 'Widespread Signs of a Deceleration'. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek, September 8, 2010
September Student of the Month. In addition to her Bachelor’s in Public Policy, Nita will receive her M.A. in Public Policy as a coterm student in June 2011. Her favorite classes include: PUBLPOL 200B Practicum, MS&E 180 Organizations, and HUMBIO 172A Children, Youth, and the Law.
[Opinion] Could SEC Target California for Pension Fraud? By Joe Nation, lecturer in public policy, re. study conducted by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. San Francisco Chronicle, September 1, 2010
Economists Agree: Stimulus Created Nearly 3 Million Jobs. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. USA Today, August 30, 2010
Special Interests Capitalize on Legislature's End-of-Session Chaos. Quotes Joe Nation, lecturer in public policy. Los Angeles Times, August 30, 2010
Jackson Hole Bubble Clash Shows Challenge for Central Bankers. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow BloombergBusinessweek, August 29, 2010
Op ed--Joe Nation comments that CALPers study on pension plans was realistic.  Sacramento Bee, August 28, 2010
Bernanke Says Fed Will Do 'All It Can' to Ensure U.S. Recovery. Interview with John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover Institution senior fellow. Bloomberg, August 27, 2010
Tackling Wireless Network Congestion
SIEPR deputy director, Greg Rosston comments for NPR's Marketplace, August 26, 2010.

SEC Passes Rule That May Help Investors Change Boards. Quotes Joseph Grundfest, professor of law. Bloomberg, August 25, 2010
Financial Records Show Pirates Win While Losing. Quotes Roger G. Noll, professor of economics, emeritus and SIEPR senior fellow. Associated Press via Forbes, August 22, 2010
Japan-like decade of deflation a 'real threat,' experts say. Pullback in consumer spending and reluctant lending by banks lay the foundation for a lost decade. Quotes Barnaby Levin, managing director High Tower Advisors, LLC and SIEPR Advisory Board member. Investment News August 17, 2010
Governor Says California Must Reform Pensions. Cites Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study. Reuters, Mon, 8/16/10
A Nation That Won't Be Fooled Again: Betrayed by Washington and Wall Street, We Find It Hard To Accept Good News. Cites John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution.Wall Street Journal, Thurs, August 12, 2010
Economists See Flaws in Whitman's Policy Proposals: An open letter from a group of progressive experts finds the Republican's policies if implemented would deepen the budget crisis, raise unemployment and cut growth. Kenneth Arrow, professor emeritus of economics and of operations research and SIEPR senior fellow is one of the letter's signatories. Los Angeles Times, August 10, 2010
Think Tank: Whitman's Proposals Would Hurt Calif. [Meg Whitman's gubernatorial campaign released a statement from Michael Boskin, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution, defending Whitman's economic policies.] AP via Inside Bay Area, August 10, 2010
Web Plan From Google and Verizon Is Criticized.Greg Rosston joins the debate over net neutrality. New York Times -- August 9, 2010
Social Security COLA Doesn't Match Inflation. Cites research by SIEPR researchers: Gopi Shan Goda, research scholar and coordinator of postdoctoral fellows program; and John B. Shoven, professor of economics and director. U.S. News & World Report, August 9, 2010

Public Worker Pay Has Many Clamoring for Reform. Quotes Joe Nation, lecturer in the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research's public policy program. Reuters, August 4, 2010
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty. In the 1990s, Paul Romer revolutionized economics. In the aughts, he became rich as a software entrepreneur. Now he's trying to help the poorest countries grow rich - by convincing them to establish foreign-run "charter cities" within their borders. Romer's idea is unconventional, even neo-colonial - the best analogy is Britain's historic lease of Hong Kong. And against all odds, he just might make it happen. Romer is a senior fellow at SIEPR and discusses his history at Stanford. Quotes GSB professor Charles I. Jones. --  The Atlantic, July/August, 2010
Op Ed: Wage Increases: The Win-Win Answer on China Trade --Ron McKinnon, SIEPR senior fellow--Wall St. Journal, July 29, 2010
Stanford: Securities Class Actions Continue To Decrease. Quotes law professor Joseph Grundfest, director of the Securities Class Action Clearinghouse and SIEPR senior fellow. San Francisco Business Times, July 28, 2010
In Study, 2 Economists Say Intervention Helped Avert a 2nd Depression. Quotes economics professor and Hoover and SIEPR senior fellow John B. Taylor. New York Times, July 27, 2010
Something for the Weekend. Research of doctoral candidates in economics Jennifer Doleac and Luke Stein on racial aspects of consumer behavior. Mentions SIEPR funded the research. Financial Times, July 23, 2010
The Uncertainty Principle: Not Sure? Don't Spend--Quotes Nick Bloom, senior fellow at SIEPR -- Businessweek, July 22, 2010.

Darrell Duffie and Joe Grundfest spoke to SIEPR Associates about The United States Securities and Exchange Commission v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. And Fabrice Tourre: An Analysis of the Commission's Complaint at the June SIEPR Associates meeting. Watch Darrell Duffie Video. Watch Joe Grundfest Video.
Fed in Hot Seat Again on Economic Stimulus. Quotes professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow Peter J. Klenow. New York Times, July 20, 2010
[Opinion] How Many Economists Does it Take to Change a Fluorescent Lightbulb? Mentions Arrow. Los Angeles July 20, 2010
Climate Experts Oppose Prop. 23. Kenneth Arrow, professor emeritus of economics and at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, was among the 118 economists who signed a letter in support of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 which Prop. 23 seeks to suspend. San Jose Business Journal, July 20, 2010
SIEPR senior fellow Nick Bloom sees 'Strong Recovery' in U.S. Stocks.
Ellison Loses Out on Bid for Warriors. Quotes sports economist Roger Noll, SIEPR senior fellow. --, July 15, 2010
Public Policy students join Governor Schwarzenegger for discussion on pension reform.

Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management spoke to SIEPR Associates about his optimistic Economic & Financial Market Outlook at the June meeting. Watch Short Video. Watch Full Video.

Economy Buoys Stocks in Bernanke Uncertainty View via Stanford. [Quotes Nicholas Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR. Mentions Ben Bernanke's uncertainty research was published in 1980 while he was teaching at Stanford.] -- Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 14, 2010
McKinnon Says U.S. Should Focus on Savings, Not Yuan. Interview with Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics. Bloomberg, July 8, 2010
Researchers concluded that better hospital management was correlated with better outcomes for patients ---Nick Bloom's research-- Financial Times, July 3, 2010
SIEPR Board member Steve Kohlhagen testifies before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission about the role of derivatives in the crisis. June 30th, 2010
Stanford Professor Wins Bradley Prize. John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover and SIEPR senior fellow, is among the winners of Bradley Prize. Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal, June 28, 2010
Firms That Hedge Face Prospect of New Costs. Quotes GSB professor and SIEPR senior fellow Darrell Duffie. Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2010
The Downside of Revaluing the Renminbi: Why Adjusting the Yuan's Exchange Rates will not Correct Global Trade Imbalances. Written by Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. Forbes, June 25, 2010
John Shoven talks about the possibility of financing Medicare reform--Stanford Report --June 24, 2010
Shaun McRae was awarded the Ralph and Claire Landau Prize for the best paper by a student in the SIEPR Discussion Paper series.

Read Paper

[Opinion] Union Better Get Used to Public Pension Reform. Cites research by the SIEPR. -- San Jose Mercury News, June 22, 2010 
Mercury News interview: Joseph A. Grundfest, Stanford law professor and SIEPR senior fellow. -- San Jose Mercury News, June 22, 2010 
Governor demands 2-tier pension plan. Cites SIEPR's pension study.  -- Inside Bay Area, Mon, June 21, 2010  
The Bad Economics Behind Stimulus Spending. Cit es John Taylor, professor of economics and Hoover and SIEPR senior fellow. --Globe and Mail, June 16, 2010
BP Stress Highlights Risks of OTC Derivatives. Quotes Darrell Duffie, GSB professor and SIEPR senior fellow. -- MoneyControl, June 16, 2010
Asia Ready To Redefine Trade Relations In Talks. Quotes Nicholas Hope, director of the Stanford Center for International Development at SIEPR. -- San Francisco Chronicle, June 12, 2010
The Daily Start-Up: Casting Light On Health-Care Costs. Alan Garber cited in -- Wall Street Journal, Venture Capital Dispatch, June 11, 2010
Comparison Shopping for Health Care. Quotes Alan Garber, professor of medicine and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and SIEPR. -- New York Times, DealBook Blog, June 11, 2010
Economists discuss how spectrum can be auctioned at Broadband Conference held on June 10, 2010 at SIEPR.  Reproduced by permission of Warren Communications News, Inc., --
Billions of Dollars Ride on Teams' Maneuvers for New Stadiums. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. -- New York Times, June 10, 2010
Public Policy's Joe Nation talks about California in an OpEd
-- SF Chron, June 10, 2010
Scott Hemphill is an associate professor of law and the Milton Handler Fellow at Columbia Law School. He spoke about competition in the pharmaceutical industry.   Watch Video .wmv    Watch Video .m4v
Withholding too much hurts those squeaking.  Damon Jones, SIEPR Post doc -- The Oregonian, May 29, 2010 
Editorial--S.F. On The Sidelines: 49ers in the South Bay. References Roger Noll, SIEPR Senior Fellow -- San Francisco Chronicle, May 23, 2010
Can States Fix Their Pension Problems? Cites Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study on California's pension plans. -- New York Times, Room for Debate, May 21, 2010
Central Bankers Can't Return to Simpler Times. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover senior fellow -- Business Week, May 20, 2010
Volcker Says Time Is Running Out for U.S. to Tackle Fiscal Woes. Cites former Fed chairman Paul Volcker's speech this week at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research -- Bloomberg Businessweek, May 19, 2010
John Shoven and George Shultz present the first SIEPR Prize award to Paul A. Volcker.  Watch Short Video  Long Video  Volcker speech

The first SIEPR Prize recipient is Paul A. Volcker. His contributions to economic policy have spanned 50 years and have had monumental impact.

Volcker: Europe’s Debt Crisis Shows Risks for U.S. --  Reuters via New York Times, May 18, 2010 
Electricity: The New Math: 'Smart' Meters Know When You're Cooking, Cleaning; How About Dinner at 4? Quotes Frank Wolak, professor of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. -- Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2010
CalPERS Demands $600M Cites the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research study on California's public pension funds. -- AP via San Jose Mercury News, May 18, 2010
SIEPR director John Shoven spoke, to KGO TV's David Louie about the stock market and how it's affecting the Bay Area economy.

Watch Video .wmv   Watch Video .m4v

Wired editor Chris Anderson spoke to the SIEPR Policy Forum audience about Atoms and the New Bits.


Op-Ed: Getting The Facts Straight on California's Energy Policy. Written by James Sweeney, SIEPR senior fellow, professor of management science and engineering and director of the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center. San Jose Mercury News, May 7, 2010
Ernie Harwell and the Story of Baseball. Cites professor emeritus of economics Roger Noll. --  Washington Post, Story Lab blog, May 5, 2010 
[Opinion] How to Avoid a 'Bailout Bill'. A new bankruptcy process is the right way to deal with failing financial institutions. Written by John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2010
New Prize Created for Contributions to Economic Policy

The first SIEPR Prize recipient will be Paul A. Volcker. His contributions to economic policy have spanned 50 years and have had monumental impact.
Pension Bomb Ticks Louder, quotes SIEPR Public Policy report on CalSTRS, CalPERs, and UCRS. -- Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2010
Lead Economist for State Analysis Linked to Pro-Climate Law Campaign. Re. Lawrence Goulder, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR and the Precourt Institute for Energy. -- ClimateWire via New York Times, April 21, 2010 
Op-Ed Contributors: How to Regulate the Internet Tap. By John W. Mayo, Marius Schwartz, Bruce Owen, Robert Shapiro, Lawrence J. White and Glenn Woroch Before the F.C.C. embraces stifling net neutrality regulations, it should look at the European model, which emphasizes transparency. -- New York Times, April 21, 2010
Debate Centers on 'Bailouts' of Failed Banks. Quotes GSB professor Darrell Duffie and professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover senior fellow John Taylor. -- San Francisco Chronicle, April 21, 2010 
[Column] Daniel Borenstein: Students Find Disconcerting Pension Debt. Discusses Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research's study on California's public pension funds. -- Inside Bay Area, April 18, 2010 
Tim Bresnhan, Chris Meyers, Dietmar Harhoff and Trevor Soames were panelists who discussed Competition Policy and Practice at the The Antitrust and IP Forum --- Europe and the US, Policy and Practice hosted by SIEPR, Stanford Law School and Howrey LLP on April 13.


Pretend Pensions. [Re: recent research by Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.] Washington Post, -- April 11, 2010
[Opinion] CalPERS Funds Are Recovering. Chief investment officer for CalPERS responds to research by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. -- San Francisco Chronicle, April 9, 2010
CalPERS Responds to Stanford Pension Report. -- Sacramento Bee, State Worker, April 8, 2010
[Opinion] Editorial: State's $500 Billion Pension Time Bomb. -- Orange County Register, April 7, 2010 
[Opinion] Now California Faces a Pension Deficit. Written by Cameron Percy, graduate student in the public policy program, and Moritz Zander, graduate student in the international policy studies program. -- San Francisco Chronicle, April 7, 2010  
[Opinion] California's $500-Billion Pension Time Bomb: The staggering amount of unfunded debt stands to crowd out funding for many popular programs. Reform will take something sadly lacking in the Legislature: political courage.-- Los Angeles Times, April 6, 2010  
California Public Employees' Retirement System, California State Teachers' Retirement System and University of California Retirement System ­currently face a total shortfall of more than $500 billion said Stanford students in a report issued on Monday, April 5, 2010.
[Blog] Cal Pension Funds a Half-Trillion Dollars Short, Study Says. [Discusses the findings of a report from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Quotes the research team, led by lecturer in public policy Joe Nation, and consisted of Howard Bornstein, Stan Markuze, and Cameron Percy, graduate students in the public policy program, Lisha Wang and Moritz Zander, graduate students in international policy studies program.] -- Sacramento Bee, April 5, 2010
California Pension Funds Face Huge Shortfall. Quotes Cameron Percy, Stanford student. Reuters, April 5, 2010 
California Pensions Are $500 Billion Short, Stanford Study Says. Quotes Joe Nation and Stanford student, Howard Bornstein. Bloomberg via BusinessWeek --  April 5, 2010 
SIEPR Board member, Mark Wolfson introduces Bengt Holmstrom at SIEPR's first Associates Meeting in the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn building. Holmstrom's talk was about The Problem with Transparency -- An Alternative Perspective on the Financial Crisis.
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Small Island for Sale: The takeover of Cadbury by Kraft seems to symbolise a hollowing-out of corporate Britain. Cites research by Nick Bloom, associate professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR.--  The Economist, March 25, 2010
[Opinion] Senators Find China Bashing Easier Than Making Good Policy. Cites Ronald McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics and SIEPR senior fellow. -- San Jose Mercury News, March 25, 2010
Not Hiring (In California). Quotes lecturer in public policy Joe Nation's recent talk at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research economic summit.-- Forbes, March 24, 2010  
California: Climate Change Law Won't Hurt Economy. Quotes Larry Goulder, professor of economics, SIEPR senior fellow and chair of the California Air Resources Board's Economic and Allocation Advisory Committee -- Reuters, March 24, 2010
Banks See Signs That Recession Is Easing. Cites J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon's speech at SIEPR's 2010 Economic Summit on March 12. -- San Francisco Business Times, March 22, 2010  
Letters to the Editor-- The Makings of a Deal on the Yuan-Dollar Dispute. Written by Ronald I. McKinnon, professor emeritus of economics. -- Wall Street Journal, March 22, 2010
SIEPR director John Shoven discusses what, (if anything) was the Feds fault, the next stimulus and no sign of a double dip recession in his interview with Closing Bell's Maria Bartiromo.

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Greenspan Says Fed, Regulators Failed During Financial Crisis. Cites John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- Bloomberg via Business Week, March 19, 2010

Op Ed--Foon Rhee: Rosy Predictions Often Come With Financial Thorns. Quotes professor of economics emeritus and SIEPR senior fellow Roger Noll. -- Sacramento Bee, March 14, 2010 
Jamie Dimon, Jean-Claude Trichet, John Lipsky and others quoted in SIEPR Economic Summit article on the economy. -- San Francisco Chronicle, March 13, 2010
Larry Summers talk at the SIEPR Economic Summit addressed the lessons we learned from the financial crisis and how regulation can be used in the future to avoid such a crisis again.
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JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon opened the SIEPR Economic Summit with a synopsis of why the economy collapsed and what we can do to ensure this does not happen again.
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Jean-Claude Trichet at Economic Summit -- Fox Business News, March 12, 2010

Jean-Claude Trichet's remarks at the SIEPR Economic Summit centered around risk before and after the crisis and the use of monetary policy.
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Stanford Award Will Recognize Ex-Fed Chair Paul Volcker. The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research announces its first Prize for Contributions to Economic Policy. The idea and initial funding for the prize came from George Shultz, SIEPR and Hoover Institution distinguished fellow, and several noted economists.-- San Francisco Business Times, March 11, 2010
Health Care's Obstacle: No Will to Cut. Cites Victor Fuchs, professor emeritus of economics. -- New York Times, March 10, 2010 
Costly Pensions Under Fire. Cites recent research by Joe Nation, lecturer of public policy. --  San Jose Mercury News, March 6, 2010
Building a Better Teacher.  Cites Pam Grossman, professor of education, and Eric Hanushek, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR. -- New York Times March 3, 2010
U.S. Postal Service May Nix Saturday Mail to Cut Costs. Interview with Frank Wolak, professor of economics and senior fellow at the SIEPR--PBS Newshour, March 2, 2010
Businesses to struggle ­ or thrive ­ under AB 32. Quotes James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering and director of the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency and SIEPR senior fellow. -- Sacramento Business Journal via Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal, February 26, 2010 
Fiscal Stimulus is Buying Trouble. Tracking the Stimulus: Some jobs cost more to create. Quotes Michael Boskin, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- USA Today, February 25, 2010
A Better Way to Reform Health Care. By John Cogan, Hoover Institution and SIEPR senior fellow, Glenn Hubbard, and Daniel Kessler, professor of law and at the GSB and Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- Wall Street Journal, February 24, 2010

Joseph Stiglitz spoke to SIEPR Associates about the current status of the economy, and an analysis of how we got here and where we are going. Full Video.

Obama Backs Gentler Version Of Cadillac Health Tax. Quotes Alan Garber, professor of medicine and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and at SIEPR -- NPR via KQED News, February 23, 2010
Fleeting Youth, Fading Creativity. The decline of successful young scientists could hurt innovation; tracking peak performance. Quotes Paul Romer, senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. -- Wall Street Journal, February 19, 2010
IMF Tells Bankers to Rethink Inflation. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and senior fellow at SIEPR and the Hoover Institution. -- Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2010
Fiscal Stimulus is Buying Trouble. Quotes John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR and Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- Chicago Tribune, February 4, 2010
Goooaaalll! K.C. Wizards Score a Home. Quotes Roger Noll, professor emeritus of economics. -- Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2010 

Mohamed El-Erian, PIMCO CEO and co-CIO spoke to SIEPR Associates about whether or not we are ready to navigate through the next few years in the global economy.
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Think Tank: Charter Cities Are Way To Third World Prosperity. New communities sponsored by the West can help end poverty. Written by Paul Romer, senior fellow at SIEPR.  -- Times of London, January 31, 2010
Movement Tries to Fix Social Security Inequity. Quotes John Shoven, professor of economics and director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. -- San Francisco Chronicle, January 27, 2010
You Can Thank Arthur Rosenfeld For Energy Savings. He has been a driving force in making the state a global leader in efficiency. This week, the 83-year-old nuclear physicist will leave his post on the California Energy Commission. Quotes James Sweeney, professor of management science and engineering, director of the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency and SIEPR senior fellow. --  Los Angeles Times, January 11, 2010
Opinion--The Fed and the Crisis: A Reply to Ben Bernanke. In his recent speech, the Fed chairman denied that too-low interest rates were responsible. Does this mean we're headed for a new boom-bust cycle? Written by John Taylor, professor of economics and SIEPR Hoover Institution senior fellow. -- Wall Street Journal, January 10, 2010
Fed Missed This Bubble. Will It See a New One? Quotes SIEPR senior fellow Paul Romer -- New York Times, January 5, 2010
Bernanke On Monetary Policy And The Housing Bubble: The full speech from the annual meeting of the American Economic Association. John Taylor, SIEPR and Hoover Senior Fellow is referenced -- Forbes, January 4, 2010
The Great Recessions Aftermath: Has the mix of economic trauma and aging made us prudent¬or merely fearful? Paul Romer, SIEPR Senior Fellow -- Newsweek, January 4, 2010
Economic Policy in Action....Economics Professor Emeritus, Victor Fuchs presents:

A Collection of Articles on U.S. Health Care Reform.