SIEPR Economic Summit 2012

With Moderator Steve Kohlhagen

John Lipsky
Laura D. Tyson and Michael Boskin John C. Martin and Meg Whitman Jim Heckman Kent Conrad and G. William Hoagland Niall Ferguson Critical Issue
Session 1
Critical Issue
Session 2
Critical Issue
Session 3
Critical Issue
Session 4
Jeffrey Immelt

John Lipsky

John Lipsky, a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the School for Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC; former First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF and a SIEPR Advisory Board member talked about the global economy at the 2012 SIEPR Economic Summit.

Q/A with Steve Kohlhagen

Session 1:  Perspectives on Economic Policy

and the Economy

Laura D. Tyson, S.K. and Angela Chan Chair in Global Management, Haas Business and Public Policy Group, UC Berkeley; former Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors
Michael Boskin, Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics; Hoover Institution Senior Fellow; SIEPR Senior Fellow and former Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors talked about their Perspectives on Economic Policy and the Economy at the 2012 SIEPR Economic Summit.

Watch the slides from their presentation: 
Laura Tyson
Michael Boskin

Session 2: CEO Perspectives on

the Economy

In a discussion entitled CEO Perspectives on the Economy led by SIEPR director John Shoven, John C. Martin, PhD, Chairman and CEO of Gilead Sciences and Meg Whitman, President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard and SIEPR Advisory Board member give their ideas about business and making it work.


Jim Heckman, The Skills Problem

Jim Heckman, the Nobel Laureate in Economics and Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago poke at the 2012 SIEPR Economic Summit about The Skills Problem and how it polarizes families and individuals.
Slides from Jim's presentation

Session 3:   The Long-run Budget Outlook

George Shultz introduces Kent Conrad, U.S. Senator from North Dakota and Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee along with G. William Hoagland, Vice President, Federal Affairs for Cigna Corporation as they discuss the Long-run Budget Outlook at the SIEPR Economic Summit 2012.

Q and A follows with Steve Kohlhagen the Summit moderator.

Slides from their presentations:
Kent Conrad
William Hoagland

Session 4:  An Institutional Approach to the End of Western Ascendancy

Niall Ferguson, the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University; Hoover Senior Fellow and author spoke about An Institutional Approach to the End of Western Ascendancy in his talk at the 2012 SIEPR Economic Summit.

Slides from Niall's Presentation

Critical Issue Sessions

Session 1: Currency Markets: Risk and Returns

The moderator, Barnaby Levin is a Partner and Managing Director at HighTower Advisers LLC; Chief Investment Officer, Levin & Lyon Wealth Management and a SIEPR Advisory Board member. He is joined by Sergio Rebelo the Tokai Bank Professor of International Finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University; Martin Eichenbaum the Ethel and John Lindgren Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Center for International Economics and Development at Northwestern University and Kieran Osborne, CFA, Merk Investments, LLC to discuss Currency Markets: Risk and Returns.

Slides from their presentations:
Sergio Rebelo and Martin Eichenbaum



Session 2: US Government as a VC

George McCown, Managing Director, American Infrastructure MLP Fund; SIEPR Advisory Board member and program moderator is joined by Steve Westly, Managing Partner, The Westly Group and Lenny Mendonca, Director, McKinsey & Company to discuss the U.S. Government as a VC.  They discuss the broad scope of government intervention, research, venture capital and many other aspects of the topic.

Session 3: US China Economic Relations

(from left to right) Steve Krasner the Stephen D. Graham and H. Stuart Professor of International Relations Stanford; Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences; Senior Fellow and Deputy Director at the Freeman Spogli Institute, and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the Stanford Center for International Development (SCID) joined Dixon Doll, Co-founder and General Partner of DCM-Doll Capital Management and SIEPR Advisory Board member
(moderator) and Nick Hope, Director, Stanford Center for International Development (SCID) in a panel discussing U.S.-China Economic Relations.


Session 4: Financial Innovation and the Economic Crisis

Steve Kohlhagen, SIEPR Advisory Board member moderated the discussion on Financial Innovation and the Economic Crisis.  He is joined by Myron Scholes, the Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance, Emeritus, at the Stanford Graduate School of Business; Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; and co-originator of the Black-Scholes options pricing mode; Tanya Beder, Chairman & CEO of SBCC Group Inc. and Jeremy Bulow the Richard Stepp Professor of Economics at Stanford University.


Jeffrey Immelt

Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE spoke at the March 9, 2012 SIEPR Economic Summit. He highlighted ten economic factors that impact his thoughts and the economy.


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