Laura D’Andrea Tyson

S.K. and Angela Chan Chair in Global Management, Haas Business and Public Policy Group, UC Berkeley; former Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors
Laura D’Andrea Tyson is the S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management at the Haas School of Business, at the University of California Berkeley. She served as Dean of London Business School from 2002-2006, and as Dean of the Berkeley Haas School of Business from 1998-2001.
Tyson is a member of President Barack Obama’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness and a member of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board. From 2009 – 2011, she was member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. She served in the Clinton Administration and was the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (1993-1995) and the President’s National Economic Adviser (1995 – 1996).
Tyson is a Senior Advisor at the McKinsey Global Institute, Credit Suisse Research Institute, and The Rock Creek Group. She is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American and is on the Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution Hamilton Project. She serves on the Advisory Board of Newman’s Own, Generation Investment Management, and H&Q Asia Pacific. She is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Blum Center for Development Economies and the Jacobs Foundation. She is a Special Advisor at Berkeley Research Group, and a Commissioner at the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget. Tyson is also a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council, MIT Corporation, Committee on Capital Markets Regulation, Task Force for Better Markets, Better Values, and Think Long Committee for California. She is a member of the National Academies’ Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy and a member of the National Academies Committee on Research Universities. Tyson serves on the Boards of Directors of Morgan Stanley, AT&T, Silver Spring Networks, CBRE Group Inc., and the Peter G. Peterson Institute of International Economics.
Tyson has written books and articles on industrial competitiveness and trade. She has also written opinion columns for many publications including BusinessWeek, The New York Times and the Financial Times and she has made numerous television appearances on economic issues. She is on the editorial board of the International Economy and contributes to the New York Times Economix blog, Project Syndicate and the Financial Times A-list.