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Panel on Political Perspectives on the Twelfth Plan India Conference 2012 - Keynote

The Thirteenth Annual Conference on Indian Economic Policy Reform took place at SIEPR on Thursday, September 28th and Friday, September 29th.

Moderator: Larry Diamond
Panelists: Yashwant Sinha, N.K. Singh, Sitaram Yechury

How Acceptable are Economic Reforms in India? Keynote by Shri Yashwant Sinha, Former Finance Minister and Foreign Minister, Government of India


Upcoming Events

By invitation only
October 2012
October 16, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
"Determinants of Take-up of Weather Index Insurance"

October 16, 2012
Santiago Saavedra Pineda, PhD student at Stanford will speak on,
Determinants of Take-up of Weather Index Insurance
RSVP to [email protected]