SCID has a number of different publications which include:
Working Papers
Here you will find a list of SCID working papers written by faculty affiliated with the Center. Click on the paper to view the abstract or download the entire paper.
Conference Volumes
Presents a compilation of edited papers presented at a particular SCID conference.
Publications Archive
A search page for publications from all SIEPR centers and programs.
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Latest Publications
Gender in times of global governance: glocalizing international norms around money and power, violence and sex in Peru
Miriam Sharkh, SCID Working Paper September 2012 | |
The Clan and the City: Sustaining Cooperation in China and Europe
Avner Greif, SCID Working Paper August 2012 | |
Are Renewable Quotas Effective to Reduce CO2 Emissions?
Alexander Galetovic, Cristian Munoz, Cristian Hernandez, Luz Neira, SCID Working Paper August 2012 | |
The Agricultural Challenges in the Twenty-First Century
Anne Krueger, SCID Working Paper August 2012 | |
A Study on Intersectoral Migration of Agricultural Labor
and Inflation in the Developing Countries
Jingbei Hu, SCID Working Paper August 2012 |