George E. McCown

George E. McCown
Managing Director
American Infrastructure MLP Funds

George E. McCown was chairman, co-founder and managing director of McCown De Leeuw & Co. Inc. LLC ("MDC") of Foster City, California and is a co-founder and managing director, American Infrastructure MLP Funds. He spent his early years with Boise Cascade Corporation as senior VP, building materials group and president, Boise Cascade Home and Land Corp. His current business affiliations include chairman of the board, Oxford Resource Partners, LP (NYSE: OXF), Tunnel Hill Partners LP, Gold Run Aviation and Sequoia Corp. Previously he has been a chairman, vice chairman, and/or a director of over 40 private and public companies.

He is a founding director of ChrysCap, a leading private equity firm in India, chairman emeritus of the World Business Academy, immediate past chair of Outward Bound USA, a director of the American Himalayan Foundation, the Bay Area Council, and Six Seconds, Inc. He is a former trustee of Stanford University, overseer of the Hoover Institution, director of the Packard Children’s Hospital and president of the Stanford Alumni Association. He currently is a member of Stanford Associates, the World Presidents Organization (presiding member of WPO/NCC Investors LLC), the Chief Executives Organization, Explorers Club and the Bohemian Club.

He received a BS in mechanical engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard University, where he worked as an assistant to Professor Georges F. Doriot, following service as a captain in the U.S. Air Force, Strategic Air Command. He is married to Karen Stone McCown, founder of the Nueva and Synapse Schools. They have 8 children, 12 grandchildren and reside in Portola Valley, CA.