Sam Larson
Sam is a Public Policy senior with a concentration in environmental economics and a minor in French. His favorite courses include Organizations and Public Policy and Challenges of European Integration. In the summer of 2009, Sam began working as a research assistant for Professor Jon Krosnick, with whom he conducted studies on public concern for global warming. Sam co-authored a paper on these studies and plans to expand on this research in his honors thesis. During winter quarter 2010, Sam studied at Stanford in Washington and interned at the National Economic Council, where his bracket would have won the White House's March Madness pool if Michigan State had beaten Butler. Sam then spent spring quarter 2010 studying in Paris and remained there during the summer as a public affairs intern at the U.S. Embassy. On Campus, Sam is the Operations Director of the environmental non-profit IDEAS and a member of the Stanford Windsurfing Club. After graduation, he hopes to find a job on the Hill.