SIEPR Prize for Contributions to Economic Policy
The idea for the SIEPR Prize and the initial funding came from former Secretary of Treasury, Labor and State George P. Shultz and was contributed to by a stellar group of economists. SIEPR’s selection committee consists of five outstanding leaders in economic policy – George Shultz, Jim Poterba (President of the National Bureau of Economic Research), John Shoven (Director of SIEPR), and Kenneth Arrow and Gary Becker, both Nobel Prize winners in economics.
The SIEPR prize will be awarded every other year. An event celebrating the winner will take place and it is expected that each new recipient of the SIEPR Prize will give an address at this gathering. SIEPR has set a goal of raising $1.5 million to endow the prize. The recipient of the SIEPR Prize receives an award of $100,000.
The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) is an economic policy research organization and is non-partisan in political orientation. SIEPR scholars conduct studies on important economic policy issues in the United States and other countries. SIEPR’s goal is to inform and advise policy makers and the public and to guide their decisions with sound policy analysis. In the course of their research, SIEPR faculty train, educate, and support Ph.D. students as future economic policy analysts.