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Cindy Guan

Cindy Guan is a Public Policy senior with a concentration focusing on law and the legal system and a minor in Political Science. Her favorite courses include Economic Analysis of Law taught by Professor Bruce Owen, Creative Non-Fiction Writing, and her Oxford course on Comparative Constitutional Systems. Cindy attended the BOSP Oxford program in the fall of her junior year and studied intensively with an International Humanitarian Law scholar. She also spent five weeks in India the summer after her freshman year conducting Urban Infrastructure Policy research under a Civil Engineering grant. On campus, Cindy is heavily involved in the Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford (FACES) where she is the Vice President of Recruiting. She is also involved in SEE College Prep, where she has helped with fundraising and strategic development. Other Stanford activities have included Stanford Women in Business, Public Policy Peer Advising, the Nominations Commissions, and the Stanford Board of Trustees. Cindy plans on attending law school a few years after graduation, and will spend the interim working in the legal sector.